YA17 FDD 2020-04-07 15:35:52

just because someone caught you using your phone, which you know is illegal, doesnt mean you can go round splashing them with water you silly man. Anyone with balls would stand their ground after doing that, not run off.
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YA11 EGF 2020-03-11 10:13:38

With no warning, stops as if they are going to turn left so with no indication this is unexpected and causes me to brake sharply then continues down the road! obviously lost but please check your mirror for vehicles behind you or at least use an indicator!
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YA17 GGJ 2020-03-10 18:01:16

Dangerous and very aggressive driver.

Also has a terrible dress sense.
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YA08 VEU 2020-03-09 15:41:20

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YA64 WEV 2020-03-08 10:59:25

Late on 06/03/20
Why do so many drivers hog the middle lane of the M40 in Buckinghamshire?
This vehicle was one of many witnessed hogging the middle lane refusing to move over to let large vehicles which aren’t permitted to use the fast lane pass by. Did the driver feel he had “power” over controlling the freedom of large vehicles - like how some cyclists do trying to block vehicles from passing?
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YA57 NLP 2020-03-07 17:59:51

I was reversing out and she slammed her foot on the gas to reverse nearly crashing into Lidl and scaring some boomers doing their shopping. Then started mouthing her skinny dried corona lips at me like it was my fault.

Autistic wench
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YA64 PWJ 2020-02-05 21:48:55

Drink driving man was out the roof
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YA69 UPT 2020-02-12 11:10:15

Pretty boy in a rental cutting people up
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YA53 HKL 2020-02-03 10:07:24

Seemingly abandoned. Parked across pavement on a corner, obstructing the road for both drivers and pedestrians. Alarm going off intermittently through the night.
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YA67 YCD 2020-01-24 02:16:39

another clever twanker cut up on a1 sb angel of north
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