YA65 GKD 2020-09-17 18:21:45

Parked on the path near a curb drop, my father in his mobility scooter could not get to the shops without travelling a good distance on the main road.
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YA57 ZGY 2020-09-13 18:57:44

Good man Jimmy
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YA66 DDU 2020-08-21 11:10:13

Appalling driving, in the wrong lane going round a major roundabout then cuts left and forces me into the kerb at last minute and to really impress with his driving skills, the passenger leans out of the window and starts flicking the v sign
A real credit to your employer AH Access hire
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YA52 NNN 2020-08-02 14:12:59

Drives around like it's a super car ignoring the contra flow and forcing his way in. Constantly revs his engine despite his vehicle being an absolute shed on wheels! Bell end!
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YA66 MYW 2020-08-01 17:17:47

Absolute c*nt. By the way pal, your wife needs a facelift.
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YA19 GCV 2020-07-23 17:50:17

Inconsiderate cunt blocking a church car park entrance during a funeral, fucking BMW wanker
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YA69 UPC 2020-07-17 22:10:42

Need somewhere to park, too lazy to walk, use the designated assh0le BMW parking bays marked by double yellow lines. Moron.
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YA57 SYC 2020-07-17 19:01:45

Why bother paying to park when you can park on a footpath and save yourself a ten metre walk. Oh wait a minute, that's just plain lazy.
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YA64 YAU 2020-07-09 10:05:48

Outer lane hogger at excessive speed on M6 in Lancashire where maintenance and lower speed limits were in force.
Typical Land Rover/Range Rover type who think they are a cut above.
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YA57 LJN 2020-06-25 22:02:14

Driving very aggressively and erratically then proceeded to park in a disabled spot in a mostly empty car park to buy a large crate of Carling beer, nothing else.

Neither occupants were disabled nor showing disabled badges.

Was also rude to checkout staff.
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