YA04 XSV 2020-05-31 22:18:08

BMW was followed for a couple of miles before lights came on. Both Police & BMW driver started pointing fingers and shouting at one another. Police signalled to pull over, BMW followed him up the ass to then divert to another exit and sarcastically wave and floor it. Copper’s lights came on and imagine there was some sort of chase!
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YA08 KFF 2020-06-09 17:20:05

An idiot who fails to judge the road ahead.
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YA63 NLR 2020-05-28 23:02:24

Driving a nacked Focus around Meadowhall retail park revving and wheel spinning like a proper chav after racing around cutting people up. All that with a kid in the back, father of the year right there.That cap makes you look like a right mong by the way, if only you could see yourself.
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YA16 FRL 2020-05-29 03:34:59

Great driving skills!
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YA14 SMV 2020-05-10 12:59:25

This is a Black BMW X5
Driven on Killinghall Road Bradford
It turned left onto Killinghall Drive on Saturday 9th May at approx 1235

The driver had a mobile phone in their right hand.and was caught red handed driving a motor vehicle and illegally operating a mobile phone.

This would result in 3 to 6 penalty points and a fine of £200. Increased car inuance and a mark.on the police drivers database.

So easily you could have caused an accident. Or worse endangered human life. Or run over a child or animal.in the road.

It.may have been a friend d or a family members child.

So.please please do.not drove and operate your mobile phone. .it's not brave or showing off it is just illegal wrong and dangerous.

Next time it may be a Police officer or.Undercover Cid that sees this and records the foorange for evidence in court.

You have been seen
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YA62 FKN 2020-05-12 01:21:46

This junkie "fae five like ken" gives guys gobbles in this shitty old astra, can fit 7 pakis in... Her not the jalopy 🤣🤣🤣🤣
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YA53 VLC 2020-04-26 20:44:08

Great driver, very courteous
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YA17 FDD 2020-04-07 15:35:52

just because someone caught you using your phone, which you know is illegal, doesnt mean you can go round splashing them with water you silly man. Anyone with balls would stand their ground after doing that, not run off.
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YA11 EGF 2020-03-11 10:13:38

With no warning, stops as if they are going to turn left so with no indication this is unexpected and causes me to brake sharply then continues down the road! obviously lost but please check your mirror for vehicles behind you or at least use an indicator!
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YA17 GGJ 2020-03-10 18:01:16

Dangerous and very aggressive driver.

Also has a terrible dress sense.
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