VU14 CVF 2020-01-18 22:57:56

Waste of space driver. Yet another moron from Fladbury (check out D18 AUL - Blue Daihatsu). Dangerous overtake on bend before Pinvin and on Wyre Piddle bypass. I have video footage so I'll forward this on to West Mercia police dashcam reporter. I usually put this down to the rotting smell around Fladbury that seems to make drivers from there unbelievably shit at operating a car, but as it's winter in this case its just a Discovery wanker.
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PF18 MFP 2020-01-18 23:38:37

Driving around with bright white delivery lights on...

Surely it can’t be legal for the vehicle to even allow this
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V066 LMU 2020-01-25 21:18:08

This guy tried to drive away from a crash with a motorcycle
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EN68 KPZ 2020-01-18 12:16:30

Slowing down to 42 MPH in a 30 MPH residential area, before accelerating again after passing the speed sign.

If someone is hit by a car at 40 mph there is a 90% likelihood they will be killed. It is 30MPH for a reason.
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KY67 HTF 2020-01-25 21:07:14

Didn’t indicate at a roundabout when taking third exit - almost caused me to crash. Moron!
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R444 RYE 2020-01-25 20:29:40

Thinks he's in fast and furious the knobhead cannot drive for shite!!!
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EK05 VMG 2020-01-18 21:26:03

Parked up at intu Lakeside and has left two small dogs locked in the car. Owners have been reported for animal cruelty.
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WV10 BUU 2020-01-25 19:48:51

He that laughs last laughs longer!
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PJ02 PYU 2020-01-25 19:43:02

an east lancs vyking who had defects uneccomical blah blah blah to repair he/she is waiting for nk53 unt
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MW09 SRZ 2020-01-18 20:24:22

mate- i was watching you coming towards mcdonalds on the dual carrigeway- you had your interior light on and leant right over to fiddle or grab something on the passenger footwell then you swerved as you drifted over into the other lane. If that had been a biker or a truck you'd have caused a nasty crash there. Pull over and fiddle with whatever it was please. Dont risk my life and other peoples.
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