B907 YRI 2019-09-28 16:55:05

Blocking the roads to have a chat with people then swearing at me for beeping at him. Got out of his car to spout some abuse. Looked and smelled drunk. Bizarre situation. Hard to believe there’s people like this.
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YW19 ONJ 2019-09-28 15:28:35

This woman not content with pulling out on me and almost writing me off she then proceeded to pull out on a roundabout 2 mins up the road and nearly took out and elderly driver. Stay well clear of this one!!
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CX51 FYW 2019-10-05 16:17:06

Cut two cars up, almost caused crash on motorway and getting off the motorway crossed 3 lanes last minute .
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SF17 YPM 2019-09-28 06:57:43

27.09.2019 Private hire driver on VW Sharan clipped me from left lane and scrapped my front bumper.
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C9 LMO 2019-10-05 15:57:35

Best day ever
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N321 ANL 2019-10-05 15:34:03

speeding like a loony on the A580 and illegal number plate
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M013 SHR 2019-10-05 15:22:56

speeding on A580
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YG57 PYZ 2019-09-28 10:48:45

Stupid woman who cant drive or read the markings on the road. She pulls out into what she thinks is her lane but she is actually now on the wrong side of the road meant for traffic turning across our path. I pull infront of her (the correct lane) and she has the cheek to beep me. Give your licence back.
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R62 URX 2019-10-05 14:32:28

Speeding through a 20mph limit at 40mph. Almost knocked someone over. And beeped them for his inconvenience. Coward drove away too when bystander stopped. Pure coward. Total weak coward.
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WJ65 RXY 2019-10-05 14:13:36

Sad little wanker that doesn't know how to drive.
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