FH08 NYS 2019-07-01 17:33:51

ran red light in Bradford
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YK67 YON 2019-06-24 17:18:49

Shameless person in a white, diesel Audi A5 tailgating me (in an S3) through Salford and onto the M60 motorway in wet conditions today (24th June).

What’s the need to drive dangerously? Are you that insecure?

I don’t entertain slow cars and I certainly don’t entertain reckless driving in traffic. Sorry mate.

Have some consideration for other road users in future else you’ll end up in a body bag.
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LJ66 EXG 2019-07-01 17:18:46

Parked in disabled. Wasn’t on a call.
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ET66 YYX 2019-07-01 17:13:41

Absolute cuntnugget of a driver who doesn’t know what road markings mean. Karma will come to bite his needledick one day
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MM18 AAV 2019-06-24 17:12:03

Absolute asshole - some old man with a bald head in a blue Audi RS3 pulled up at a set of traffic lights near Walkden (Lancashire) in a lane to turn right just to jump the queue for the straight-going lane as soon as the lights went green.

My only concern is that when he ends up in a body bag after crashing somewhere innocent people may also lose their lives.

He’s not having a midlife crisis - more an end of life crisis to be honest.
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KW54 YCC 2019-07-01 17:11:10

After being impatient, couldn't turn into a junction (only had to wait 30 seconds) so got out and spat on the lady in the car in front of him.
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C4 UMG 2019-07-01 17:05:03

Absolute moron. Spotted doing wheel spins in Derby. No respect for other road users at all and that comes as no surprise with mummy and daddy buying him a car like that.
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OE18 RKX 2019-07-01 16:58:24

Twat in a Range Rover SVR tailgating me near the Trafford Centre.

Some people are just too arrogant 🙄
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BJ68 SNF 2019-06-24 15:29:52

The driver of this car drove at a pedestrian who was rightfully crossing the road. An ugly man got out of his car to scream at the pedestrian but the driver was in the wrong at he is required to make a complete stop before turning into traffic. It is foreign nationals like this ugly man who don’t know the drivers code for England and give all foreigners a bad reputation.
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HG61 UPP 2019-06-24 16:20:45

not the best move is it really- not giving way to a 3 tonne truck and nearly getting side swiped
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