WM52 FTX 2019-06-28 19:37:22

Old someone drive so fucking slow like why are you even driving ffs
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NA65 WHT 2019-07-05 15:08:59

Learn lane positioning on roundabouts you muppet. Going straight on, stay in the left hand lane going round.

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PO68 HFE 2019-06-28 15:59:07

No cars behind me, must get as far in front as they can, a complete moron.
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F12 OMR 2019-07-05 14:48:51

Coolest guy ever
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YO16 ZCY 2019-07-05 14:42:16

bangladeshi female driver in her 30s on the phone also swearing loud mouth white range rover on westferry road london E14.
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HT19 SRU 2019-07-05 14:26:12

Was on her phone on the M5, had to emergency stop into the hard shoulder as she decided to slam her brakes on as she wasn't paying attention!
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GK17 XGW 2019-06-29 15:17:07

Drifting into my lane, I horn to alert him to my presence. He proceeds to be an absolute child about it, swerves further, in and out, tries to brake check etc. What are you trying to prove exactly?
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DY08 WTL 2019-06-25 21:55:11

URGENT- this minibus has been stolen from Dulwich, London between the afternoon of 24/06/19 and the afternoon of 25/06/19. Please do not hesitate to call the Police if you see this minibus.
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VU08 VNG 2019-06-28 12:55:02

You can’t park, your car there, sir,
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DN60 FLM 2019-07-05 13:41:58

Legend...awesome driver
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