NU08 OUM 2019-01-06 22:17:05

Driver in Orpington, was on mobile phone and driving wrong way along one-way part of Tesco car park, almost causing crash.
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FY58 UAZ 2019-01-06 19:16:11

Find the daughter
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RX64 YSH 2018-12-30 19:04:23

Idiot pulls into fast moving traffic and then has the cheek to brake check and drive slow, lets see him to that to a cop! @6m55s
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RA16 AKN 2019-01-06 18:50:36

This was on your YouTube video, bird box challenge. Love you lots❤️❤️
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NG06 HMO 2018-12-30 18:53:12

Blames his bad judgement on the cam cars road position LOL
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PR57 VXR 2018-12-30 18:47:32

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SC02 BEG 2019-01-06 17:39:51

Drives like a douch under cut us as we were trying to pull back into the inside lane on dual carrage way
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MJ61 LGD 2018-12-30 01:36:57

Parked (badly) in a parent and child space despite not having a child and being perfectly able-bodied
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LX11 CWU 2019-01-06 16:49:26

178 to Lewisham Station
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ND60 ZDX 2019-01-06 16:47:17

Parked on side
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