PN62 VGX 2018-12-28 15:32:06

Very impatient driver, and unpleasant passenger.
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Y50 SNP 2018-12-21 15:13:18

What a stupid fucking driver. If I hadn’t had seen you pulling across the lanes of the motorway you would have knocked not only me but 3 kids into the central reservation. Didn’t even have the dencency to say sorry. Stay of the road next time. Wanker
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KS67 WSO 2018-12-21 18:41:32

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SK05 ORS 2018-12-28 14:28:17

Idiot, weaving in and out and cutting people up, then pulled across white lines at last minute coming up to red lights!
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SD52 VFV 2018-12-21 14:12:13

Twat who doesn't know how to merge in turn, thinks it's right to block people from merging and then driving dangerously. Happily one of the boys knows where you live in Gosport by the school so you're fucked now.
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L8 DMX 2018-12-28 14:00:55

speeding through coach Rd Astley
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SY15 ONT 2018-12-28 13:34:40

This guy was going atleast 80 along fort william bypass absolutely disgusting behaviour, police should be doing something about this, terrible driving
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CV18 TNZ 2018-12-28 13:25:59

Absolute lethal.
Doesn’t know what double white lines are, and average speed cameras.
Enjoy your speeding ticket mate you’re a twat.
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WR18 UCL 2018-12-28 13:24:42

This person is obviously too young to have a powerful new mini he overtook in a residential area with young kids walking around
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BX54 YWG 2018-12-21 13:18:22

Extremely dangerous driver. Using intimidation tactics to prove an unnecessary point. Decides to increase speed on a small road and bellow abuse for absolutely no reason other than for his dissatisfaction that he was not given way.
A size of a vehicle is not reflective of its superiority over other road users.
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