Registration plate CE11LVL
Official local mnemonic: Cymru (Wales)
Postal area: Cardiff
Issued: between march 2011 and august 2011
Black Ford Mondeo, manufactured in 2011, first registered on 1 March 2011. Cylinder capacity: 1997cc, CO2 emissions: 139 g/km.
As of 14 February 2017 this vehicle had done 76,510 miles. Current estimated odometer reading: 124,800 miles.
✗ Untaxed Tax due: 1 April 2018
✗ No MOT Expired: 10 March 2018

MOT history

Test dateExpiry dateResultOdometer reading
2017-02-142018-03-10 Pass76,510
2016-02-242017-03-10 Pass70,064
2015-03-112016-03-10 Pass60,011
2014-02-172015-03-03 Pass45,200
  • Front Brake pad(s) wearing thin (3.5.1g)
  • Rear Brake pad(s) wearing thin (3.5.1g)
  • Child seat fitted not allowing full inspection of adult belt

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CE11 LVL 2017-01-21 23:41:10

You have a go at the motorist for passing a car on the left at a crossing but you blame him when you do the same !
These rules apply to cyclists aswell.. you are not above the law just because you think you are unaccountable for any motoring offence !
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CE11 LVL 2017-01-22 20:08:00

I really don't know any other way, besides maybe riding on the pavement but that's technically illegal. A case of you're damned if you (proceed forward), or damned if you don't (stay back and get tooted and yelled at).
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CE11 LVL 2017-01-22 20:05:06

This is a common scenario due to the often heavy traffic density. However it is always advisable for cyclists and other vulnerable road users to use extra caution. Try to "read the road" and anticipate what might happen. Unfortunately too many cyclists learn the hard way that even if you are in the right you can still come off worse. Before you know it you are in someone's blind spot and don't have the time to avert a collision.

You get similar situations to this when vehicles are turning right into a junction, partially blocking single-file traffic. Lots of people will not wait and give priority to the traffic behind them; they wrongly think that because they are in a car and they have indicated, that they have priority. They will then cut into your path included cycle lanes (both mandatory and non-mandatory), so you have to be aware of the risks. What I do is just slow right down and if they're turning and there's nobody behind, then I just wave them on. Doesn't always communicate easily but I do my best. You then usually get a thumbs-up or wave and everyone's happy. I'd rather do that than risk being hit. Unfortunately in places like London this isn't always possible however as the general traffic density is so bad that you can ill afford the time to slow down to a stop without someone cycling, riding a motorbike, or driving into the back of you. So I just gradually ease my speed and give hand signals to the people behind..and again it doesn't always translate very well..
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CE11 LVL 2017-01-22 14:30:38

The rules on overtaking on zig-zags only apply to motorised vehicles.
The diver had no legal reason to go on the inside of the car in front.
The cyclist was filtering, so perfectly legal.
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CE11 LVL 2017-01-22 05:48:56

Oh, and then we have the issue of failing to stop after a collision. Something you conveniently forgot to mention. Are you possibly the driver in question?
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CE11 LVL 2017-01-22 05:46:46

"These rules apply to cyclists aswell.. you are not above the law just because you think you are unaccountable for any motoring offence !"

Completely irrelevant, speculative nonsense clearly designed to support your illogical analysis.

The driver SHOULD have checked their mirrors. Where do they think they were going to go? There wasn't enough space to even get up the inside of the white car in front of them. Furthermore the driver didn't even attempt to SIGNAL their intent. Cyclists filter in slow-moving traffic. Do you think you are above the law? Do you think you can ignore this and make blatantly biased, ignorant and altogether spiteful comments? Then YOU should take a test with your attitude..see how long it is before you fail.
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CE11 LVL 2017-01-21 23:25:30

Hits cyclist and drives off.
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CE11 LVL 2017-01-22 19:51:24

Andy your comment screams speculative nonsense. Even if their mirrors had been damaged by some other entity (whom you seem hell-bent on inferring it was a cyclist for some reason), what does that have to do with what happened here? The cyclist didn't vandalise their car. So again, why are you dealing in speculative arguments that serve no purpose?

p.s. IF you somehow hate cyclists? Everyone funds roads. You do not pay directly to use them - nobody does. Furthermore nobody is above the law; this regardless of your possible inferences to the contrary. Finally, what the HELL has lycra got to do with ANYTHING here? Oh wait: is it a case of seeing someone's appearance and using it to discriminate against a group of people? Then you Andy would be no better than a racist. Of course, all of this is speculative in itself; for it is based on the proposition you hate cyclists in general. The way you conduct yourself seems to suggest you do have a gripe and that you are blinded by it..
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CE11 LVL 2017-01-22 16:08:25

Perhaps his mirrors had already been knocked off by some freeloading, lawbreaking, irresponsible, lycra wearing twat on a push bike !!
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