Registration plate CE64HSK
Official local mnemonic: Cymru (Wales)
Postal area: Cardiff
Issued: between september 2014 and february 2015
Black Mercedes-benz C200, manufactured in 2014, first registered on 1 September 2014. Cylinder capacity: 2143cc, CO2 emissions: 113 g/km.
As of 2 September 2017 this vehicle had done 38,990 miles.
✗ Untaxed Tax due: 1 April 2020
✗ No MOT Expired: 3 September 2019

MOT history

Test dateExpiry dateResultOdometer reading
2017-09-022018-09-03 Pass38,990

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CE64 HSK 2016-06-01 21:07:06

Accurate is it your speed gun ? .
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CE64 HSK 2016-06-01 20:28:28

Young woman driver in a 2014 black merc C220 bluetec. Swerving in and out of traffic. Then accelerated at 60mph down a 40mph road before tailgating the car in front and being caught at the lights. No indicator use. Dangerously undertaking at 50mph on a 30mph road - a road with cars parked on the left and a cyclists clearly ahead. Slammed on breaks for speed camera and then accelerated off again. Also went into a right hand only turn to skip ahead of traffic, and was then in the wrong lane at the roundabout. Terrible reckless driver.
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