Check out this absolute knobjockey!
1. Up my arse the whole way down the road and swerving all over the road to get past obviously breaking the speed limit as I’m not going fast enough apparently. He was getting close, backing off, getting close, backing off the whole way.
2. FLASHES HIS HEADLIGHTS AT ME to get out of the way as he’s itching to get past
3. I move into the right hand lane and he speeds off again
4. There he goes – racing off into the distance
5. Gets stopped at a red traffic light!! Oh dear – what a shame. Looks like I had the last laugh. Didn’t get you very far did it mate?
Speed limits are set for a reason and also that’s why I have a dashcam front and back to pick up arseholes like yourself. Please apologise to your housebound customer as I obviously delayed you delivering their meal to them.
I see you were driving a SMART car. Shame you’re not very SMART.Wanker.