Whoever is down-voting this. At least have the balls to explain why. Nobody is denying you the right but firing and forgetting doesn't account for your reasoning, does it? What do disagree with.. the mere fact a CYCLIST filed a report? The make of car? The time of day? Or maybe you're just a prick troll looking to get your rocks off? Come on don't be shy.
I'm seeing a lot of this lately..to the point where I dread going out on two or four wheels for emergency supplies. The sheer number of people driving like pricks is even worse than it is under normal conditions. If you're not being tail-gated, you're being cut up; if not that, you have to contend with people who seem to think junctions always work in their favour, and to hell with cyclists. This mindset is only going to get worse..perhaps the police should increase the penalties and broaden their scope as regards accepting footage? Extremely dangerous at the moment for anyone irrespective of your mode of transport.
13th April, Flockton, Wakefield. Driver of this sliver KIA - LV16EUM, cut me up whilst out cycling. KIA ended up other side of road after cut me up on bend. Good job a lorry was not coming the other way. You are a complete idiot driver, why not just wait a few seconds? Next time you might not get away with driving like this, remember there are no winners when people get killed on roads. I could be dead and you would go to prison.
Oh fuck off you bum sniffing, Lycra wearing, pedo, rapist cyclist scum.