@ 17:21:06 A lot of Birmingham City Centre has now been pedestrianised however the cycling provision is still quite bad, to say the least. You have to have eyes everywhere as the place is crowded with people most of the time many of whom don't know where they're going and don't look, which can happen in a big city with tourists etc but you also get very rude ignorant people like this driver who take their aggression issues out on others..
Nothing wrong with the junction and it's road markings
Clearly the issue is bad driving (especially the taxi driver) both need to re-take their driving test if they are caught a second time no excuses
Why the taxi driver because it's his duty as a professional driver who has been vetted by both his employer and the local taxi licencing office (city council). Any taxi driver can be reported for contravening road safety and the licensing officer will, if needed, call in the driver in to discuss and a record will be held on file and if the driver "re-offends" they could lose their taxi licence
Seems that so many drivers in that region simply do not think they have to share the road. They have this nasty, out-dated boiler room attitude similar to employing cavemen on a building site..basically they invent their own laws, scream, kick and shout when their actions are brought into question and use swearing and intimidation whenever they paint themselves into a corner. Violent, dirty neanderthals thinking the whole world is like the West Midlands and their steaming little crap pile they love to roll around in. Whenever they go abroad they can seldom deal with the culture shock, so they tend to stick to the same places and come back to mock the people they are jelous of. IF you cycle, if you dress smartly and have aspirations, if you try to treat people with fairness and courtesy then you will quickly come across these types. They make Birmingham and the surrounding town and cities look like a joke.
Can't see why it is the fault of the junction. It is blatantly obvious to drivers and cyclists that the right lane is marked straight on. It is just bad driving, pure and simple.
2:03 for helium argument