This is the reason old people should not have a licence, She approaches a roundabout, slowly, clearly there are no cars that are travelling towards her direction, guess what she stops, stopping for no reason is a major cause of accident as the car following has no idea they will stop because they shouldnt.
Thinks stopping on a clear 60mph road to allow someone to turn into a minor road from the other side is a smart idea, and that kind of mindset won't lead to accidents at all. No sir.
Didn’t give way to me as a pedestrian as he purposely put his foot down whilst we were in front of his car and so was inches away from running me over.
Please be aware as to how much of a potential incident this could have been…
This is the reason old people should not have a licence, She approaches a roundabout, slowly, clearly there are no cars that are travelling towards her direction, guess what she stops, stopping for no reason is a major cause of accident as the car following has no idea they will stop because they shouldnt.