Registration plate LM65WXH
Official local mnemonic: London
Postal area: Borehamwood
Issued: between september 2015 and february 2016
Black Volvo Xc90, manufactured in 2015, first registered on 1 October 2015. Cylinder capacity: 1969cc, CO2 emissions: 149 g/km.
✗ Untaxed Tax due: 1 December 2019
✗ No MOT Expired: 3 December 2019

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  • Number 2 in the worst drivers ranking in April 2021
  • Number 2 in the worst drivers ranking in June 2019


LM65 WXH 2024-11-18 01:47:48

Caught breaking the law and driving dangerously. Then uses every excuse she can think of to try and pretend laws don't apply to them.
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LM65 WXH 2022-03-16 23:01:25

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LM65 WXH 2022-03-17 13:19:07

Nasty old bag, fuck off and learn to drive.
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LM65 WXH 2022-03-17 09:44:51

I'm so glad this is back.
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LM65 WXH 2021-07-12 22:03:01

For all those who are critical of Mikey you should understand he lost his father at a relatively young age to dangerous driving. These two were particularly pathetic for arguing with him and trying to intimidate him when they were clearly in the wrong.
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LM65 WXH 2021-04-28 20:10:32

It's their own fault. Cars should simply be banned in all town centers, just like they're doing in Belgium.
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LM65 WXH 2021-04-28 10:34:59

If anyone’s in the wrong here it’s whoever put the traffic island there, oh and also the cyclist because he’s a nob
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LM65 WXH 2021-12-30 03:35:32

yeah yeah. everyone except the pig thick pair who were able to pass med school but cannot tell left from right...
pull the other one its got twats on it
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LM65 WXH 2021-04-22 20:52:54

I hope the insurance company that hold the policy on this vehicle see this!
Driving on the wrong side is surely a red mark against your name. Hope you're policy is cancelled and your premiums skyrocket. If the police came around the corner and saw this, you wouldn't have gone the wrong way. Selfish arsewipes.
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LM65 WXH 2021-04-09 11:04:46

Who is this hot angry doctor :)
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LM65 WXH 2022-03-17 13:17:53

I missed that part. I can only see a vile piece of shit.
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LM65 WXH 2021-04-09 11:48:50

she loves the really obese patients.
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LM65 WXH 2021-03-07 22:46:15

Driveing wrog sidex of road
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LM65 WXH 2021-04-28 10:28:56

Are you dyslexic
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LM65 WXH 2021-04-24 16:53:00

You need grammar lessons my guy
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LM65 WXH 2021-03-03 13:14:36

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LM65 WXH 2019-09-14 23:24:19

After the incident driving down the wrong side of the road went viral. I approached the driver about it after I caught him in the act AGAIN. This time however he pursued me, cursing and threatening 'I would be his next patient'. Much to my amazement he isn't a doctor, which would've been no help to me, but merely an insurance salesman. Well at least I would've got a new bicycle..
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LM65 WXH 2019-07-01 06:46:34

Ha ha
This self entitled twerp got caught doing the same thing AGAIN last week.
Didn’t learn anything from
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LM65 WXH 2019-06-28 13:56:54

Goes down the wrong side of the road and abuses cyclists.
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LM65 WXH 2019-06-25 08:28:58

So... did these cunts get busted by the police? Looks to me like they should have done!
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LM65 WXH 2019-06-25 19:24:13

No and I’m glad they didn’t - they’ve learned their lesson from all this negative online exposure
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LM65 WXH 2019-06-25 04:12:55

Terrible driver, also terrible at picking a wife.
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LM65 WXH 2021-04-17 18:36:49

The cyclist is a cunt who likes trying to get ran over
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LM65 WXH 2019-06-26 20:33:51

She’s a doctor babes x
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LM65 WXH 2019-06-26 12:18:23

How do you know? Is she your wife?
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LM65 WXH 2019-06-25 19:12:37

Clearly not his wife you idiot
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LM65 WXH 2019-06-23 22:25:16

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LM65 WXH 2019-06-23 11:28:09

Very good and safe driver
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LM65 WXH 2019-06-21 22:12:19

Driver is amazing
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LM65 WXH 2019-09-24 13:15:18

Fuck you ellie mai Moore Louise Kate Beth jennings
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LM65 WXH 2019-07-07 19:22:48

FUCK YOU BOB. Get a job!
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LM65 WXH 2019-06-27 00:35:28

Ellie Bitch was implying normal sex was perverted. It isn't. So presumably she was suggesting something else.

Why don't you STFU you minger.
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LM65 WXH 2019-06-26 20:35:02

Bob shut the fuck up 一 you’re a pervert . No one said rape
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LM65 WXH 2019-06-26 12:17:22

Fuck off Ellie Mai O Look I Added Some more Shit Names to my Rants.

Sex is perfectly natural. Isn't that what your daddy told you?

(He was wrong, when it was with you, but normal people, it's fine).

I didn't say I was going to rape her you dumbass.
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LM65 WXH 2019-06-25 23:18:04

Having sex with her? Perv.
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LM65 WXH 2019-06-23 14:38:31

Shit driver, but I'd spend some time with the woman.
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LM65 WXH 2019-06-19 12:07:29

The poster has way too much time. Make your point and move on. Self righteous prick.
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LM65 WXH 2021-04-29 14:57:34

Big Mike hasn't denied that last post.
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LM65 WXH 2019-06-28 23:05:52

Also there's weeping ringworm all over my tiny knob and my shite has turned green on account of the rectal chlamydia in my tradesman's entrance.
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LM65 WXH 2019-06-26 22:20:07

And again, obviously didn’t write that shit below either.
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LM65 WXH 2019-06-26 12:18:02

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LM65 WXH 2019-06-25 19:13:17

And again, obviously didn’t write that shit below either.
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LM65 WXH 2019-06-24 16:14:17

My tiny penis is so laughably miniscule that NASA regularly uses it to calibrate their electron microscopes for use on Mars.
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LM65 WXH 2019-06-23 18:58:28

And again, obviously didn’t write that shit below either
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LM65 WXH 2019-06-22 22:46:00

As my miniscule knob is obviously too tiny to do anything of note, the malnourished Bolivian whore has regained consciousness and is now happily taking it up the 'arris from two Sky+ remotes I bought for that express purpose last week on DoneDeal.
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LM65 WXH 2019-06-21 09:24:32

Didn’t write that shit either (obviously)
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LM65 WXH 2019-06-19 16:46:30

I did, however, fucking write that other shit below this (obviously) because the aforementioned Bolivian whore has just passed out from being so malnourished (and also because she's hemorrhaging quite badly out of her arsehole from being violently sodomized with that rolled-up copy of the Radio Times from 1987 with Bella Emberg on the front cover) so I had a few minutes free to come back here and post some more stuff about my sexual perversions.

So glad to have cleared that up for everyone!
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LM65 WXH 2019-06-19 16:19:08

I didn’t fucking write that shit below (obviously).
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LM65 WXH 2019-06-19 15:54:11

Also, I'm super into rimming and scat-play. Especially with malnourished Bolivian prostitutes who I enjoy kidnapping at knifepoint and sodomizing with a rolled-up copy of the Radio Times from 1987 with Bella Emberg on the front cover.
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LM65 WXH 2019-06-18 16:55:45

Morons like these are the reason KP are forced to put "Warning: Contains Nuts" on their packaging.

If you're so breathtakingly stupid and irresponsible as to drive on the wrong side of the road then you shouldn't be put in charge of other people's health. If I was their alma mater I'd be thoroughly ashamed to have awarded medical degrees to this pair of gormless cunt cysts.
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LM65 WXH 2019-06-23 23:54:38

Thats a bit dramatic!
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LM65 WXH 2019-06-19 15:47:23

@13:56:03 -- No, because their driving ability is related to them being a pair of stupid entitled twats who evidently couldn't give two fucks about who they inconvenience or potentially hurt as long as they get their own way. The fact that people so unutterably mindless are also allowed to care for patients is fucking chilling.
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LM65 WXH 2019-06-19 13:56:03

Yes, because the performance at uni is related to their driving ability.
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LM65 WXH 2019-06-17 23:05:48

i hope social media fucks their life up.. stuck up pair of twats you should keep a box of eggs for little trollops like her aswell..
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LM65 WXH 2019-06-17 21:16:11

The problem I have with this video is that it conflates complaint with protest. As mentioned the guy walking across the road made his point, so why stop in the road and cause a further obstruction?

Yes you have right of way (as a pedestrian does), and yes they were wrong to do what they did. But it's's being pedantic, is it not? The council is the one to protest against, you will then get a lot more done because I can assure you a lone voice against countless people doing the same won't achieve much other than a blitz every now and then. Don't do the council's work for. Same for the police. I think your heart is in the right place and I agree with the principle, but I don't agree with the practice. It's counter-productive. And for the record I ride a motorbike, drive a car, ride and electric push bike and walk. Our roads are often badly-designed and our transport system is often a joke..everyone should in my opinion get together and demand real chance rather than fight amongst ourselves which is what certain people eager to lord over us want. There's real protest - and there's real change, with everyone happy.
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LM65 WXH 2021-06-12 17:31:21

The problem is that kids are getting run over by selfish arsewipes like these... Kids cross the road at the crosswalk, and they're taught to look right - left - right, then cross and halfway look at the left again. But wait a sec, there's two idiot doctors in a volvo driving at 30mph on the wrong side of the road... Yes this is how innocent kids become casualties of the traffic. And these are no accidents!!!
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LM65 WXH 2019-06-16 03:31:40

They’ve both been struck off the GMC register and are no longer doctors. 5 years of medical school and 9 years of specialist training all down the drain - was it worth it?
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LM65 WXH 2019-06-19 23:04:27

Not sure if you're actually stupid and missed the sarcasm in that comment Sindhu, or just a complete idiot that thinks a medical degree wont get most people a very good job.
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LM65 WXH 2019-06-19 16:25:07

Exactly! I’m glad they’ll struggle
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LM65 WXH 2019-06-19 13:58:00

In the unlikely secanrio that this is true. Whatever will a person with a medical degree do now? They arent nearly qualified enough to get another job!
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LM65 WXH 2019-06-16 16:37:08

No they haven't hahah i see them everyday at work
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LM65 WXH 2019-06-15 00:20:00

Amazing driver love his driving 10 outta 10
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LM65 WXH 2019-06-14 23:52:51

I'm not a cyclist, but I agree with what the cyclist did. Had the driver hit a passenger or car coming the other way, then he would have learnt the lesson the hard way. Double Volvo dickheads. LM65 WXH DICKHEADS
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LM65 WXH 2019-06-15 20:58:34

Yeah well that makes it OK then doesn't it "kandy", you pathetic suck ass.
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LM65 WXH 2019-06-15 00:06:53

they didnt hit anyone though so fuck off
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LM65 WXH 2019-06-14 22:54:14

Tbh the guy who was driving was wrong but the guy who was telling him to go back is an idiot. Causing more traffic then there is in London. Use your brain and get a life!
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LM65 WXH 2019-06-22 16:43:03

he had to reverse there was a queue of traffic trying to get up the road he was blocking
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LM65 WXH 2019-06-16 21:39:27

I agree with 2019-06-14 22:54:14 to an extent. The pedestrian made his point. It's risky to argue it, in so far as traffic is building up even more and people could be hit by carriages - including cyclists.
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LM65 WXH 2019-06-15 21:00:00

How do you "cause more traffic then there is in London"? That makes zero sense.
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LM65 WXH 2019-06-13 20:19:37

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LM65 WXH 2022-06-20 12:36:02

RIP Benny Harvey. Miss ya big man. Gone but not forgotten.
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LM65 WXH 2021-04-15 23:21:47

Not a one way street. Did you not watch the video?
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LM65 WXH 2019-06-22 22:35:53

Like the way you don't stop the cyclist that does absolutely the same thing.

You hypocritical twat.
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LM65 WXH 2019-06-15 21:47:46

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LM65 WXH 2019-06-15 21:01:13

You can't be an arsehole and a cunt. You must choose.

Otherwise you get nasty infections.
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LM65 WXH 2019-06-14 08:28:03

“You're an arsehole CUNT“
Yes she is and so is the driver.
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LM65 WXH 2019-06-13 23:31:56

You're an arsehole CUNT
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LM65 WXH 2019-06-13 20:05:04

shocking behaviour from this driver
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LM65 WXH 2019-06-13 08:10:00

Entitled "doctor" too important to wait like the rest of us. Late for an appointment to see their private patient in Harley street.
Thoroughly unpleasant.
Good work cyclingmikey.
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LM65 WXH 2019-06-13 03:38:00

Queue-jumping, wrong-way-driving, self-important, belligerent, socially retarded doctors. Oh, let's add myopic, as when the GMC sees this video, they're going to get sanctioned.

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LM65 WXH 2019-06-14 08:29:14

Was in such a rush that they took 5 mins longer to get there. Cunts.
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