Registration plate
Official local mnemonic: London Postal area: Borehamwood
Issued: between march 2012 and august 2012 Black Nissan Juke, manufactured in 2012, first registered on 1 March 2012. Cylinder capacity: 1598cc, CO2 emissions: 139 g/km. As of 12 April 2018 this vehicle had done 43,435 miles. Current estimated odometer reading: 98,500 miles.
✗ Untaxed Tax due: 1 May 2020
✗ No MOT Expired: 13 May 2020
MOT history
Test date
Expiry date
Odometer reading
✓ Pass
✓ Pass
✓ Pass
✓ Pass
✗ Fail
Front Brake pad(s) wearing thin (3.5.1g)
Nearside Front Tyre worn close to the legal limit (4.1.E.1)
Nail in offside rear tyre
Rate driver
Number 1 in the worst drivers ranking in June 2016
Bikers don't pay insurance don't see why they can damage my car by squeezing down the side of it and i cant even take their reg plate to report them. They want to be able to go on the road and want plenty of space yet when we're stood in traffic its suddenly fine to come down the side of my car with only inches of space and even rest their fucking hands all over it like I'm a here to prop you up.
If bikers are going to be on the road then they should pay insurance same as everyone with a motorbike or car, van lorry, bus. They DO cause damage too! and there should have a way to identify them. If i clipped a biker driving too close he can report me. Yet if they decide it's suddenly OK to be so close to a car because it benefits them and goes into it i have to foot the bill because they don't have a way to identify them and they don't have insurance. You want equal space like a car then it should come with the same insurance costs.
@ john smith - stop trolling and find yourself a hobby. You don't go round kicking car doors you just have nothing better to do than to troll websites stirring trouble. And if you DID kick my car door you'd get 2 broken legs.
I love booting car doors of cunts who block me off from filtering. A beautiful legal right to filter that gets car drivers like yourself all wound up. Hilarious singling out motorcyclist because you've had a bad experience
"If bikers are going to be on the road then they should pay insurance same as everyone with a motorbike or car, van lorry, bus." So now, on account of your sense of entitlement, you're creating your own laws. Gyln, I empathise if you're had damage done to your car by "a" cyclists..but that doesn't mean to say "all" cyclists are the same. I think your experiences have made you very biased towards all cyclists, and that's why you're receiving criticism. If you don't like the laws then lobby to change them because saying cyclists don't have the same rights to the roads as you does nothing more than kill them. I've seen it happen.
Also, almost all the damage done to roads and to the environment is done by vehicles - yet cyclists still have to pay the same amount of tax to fund road maintenance. Cyclists are also, statistically, the first to be injured or die if there's a collision. By creating your own laws you are not abiding by the terms and conditions of your license, and as mentioned, that gets people killed. If your car is damaged them report it to the police. If someone drives to close to me whilst I am on a bike (I also drive), I can report it too.. if someone threatens me, I can report it. Do you know the number of times the police have been interested? NONE..
Until you provide suitable evidence.. you will not get a suitable resolution. That's it, I'm done asking for it; you clearly don't want to provide it. Well as it stands you are making empty accusations - until you separate fact from Internet fiction, nothing will happen. Nothing. You'll just waste everyone's time. For the sake of that young girl who lost her life, do the right thing.
I wouldn't worry about a child picking up an imginary firework .I'm certain if the guy in the Duke lived next door to this guy he'd still be writing secondry school bullshit online rather than taking any actual action .
And what fucking happens when a child picks it up and gets their hand blow off? When a house burns down because people can't get out? Fucking think about what you're doing.
I do hope they find out who it was, disrespectful scum, I'm sure the power of social media will smoke the rats out, I really really hope they get what they deserve, hats off to the funeral mourners and the builders, I'm not sure I would have been so patient, I think they may have Been dragged out of the window by their nostrils and ripped a new arsehole ! RIP Young one I'm sure the rest of you send off was what you deserved xxx
I've often been scared of "the mob", but at times like this, social media is a good thing to raise awareness of injustice and to rat-out pure nobheads.
It worked with Ronnie Pickering(!!!!!)
Have some of you folks lost the ability to think rationality and critically? Have your views become so polarised that anyone who so much as seeks to establish the circumstance behind this incident should instantly be shot down in flames?
You are your own worst enemy. You take a story on the Internet - at face value and without question - and you call for a lynch mob to seek someone out in real life and perpetrate crimes against person and property - and all on the basis of a whim. This is no different to reading news stories and taking EVERYTHING written in them at face value..seriously..don't you ever question? Are you THAT gullible? Here's some analogies for you to chew over, one's that are no different to your collective mindset: 1) "All Arabs are terrorists and should be blown to bits.", 2) Everything the government and the media says is true and if you disagree you are also, a terrorist, racist or pedo." and 3) When I am a police officer I will arrest people for their skin color; when I am promoted to judge I will jail people for looking at me the wrong way whilst I cast aside any and all evidence regarding their case in order to suit my agenda.
Now all that sounds crazy, right? But that's just what you are doing. I also agree there's people here using multiple identities, who's soul purpose in life is not to help, but to hinder.. look how quick they down-vote yet not ONE of them comments. Are they THAT insecure? I think Facebook-only registration etc would help would disclaimers prohibiting the kind of threats some of your are making. You want to continue? Fine. Just don't complain when sites like this get shut down and you get arrested..for good reason. You took a story and you didn't seek to establish the facts for a proper, fair analysis; rather, you twisted the information to suit your agenda. You are nothing but fodder for corrupt governments and corrupt media and you're far up your own rear's you do not even realise it. That is, until something like this happens to you.
I agree that for those of us - most - who weren't there, we weren't able to have witnessed or experienced it. But the reality is this sort of shit happens everyday because there are true dickless pieces of shit out there. Yes a lot of stories in the mainstream media get exaggerated, but if something has gone viral via social media it's usually a bit more likely that it really did happen how it was described.
If they hadn't have not moved for the hearse, or just weren't plain nobheads, why would someone post this?
So, Scooby. Are we to take it you too are believing everything written in this account? You're not prepared to express an opinion..or are you just another sock puppet? If you think this report is legit then please state on what basis beyond hearsay.
Mr. A.W.Right, let's just say certain interests have a vested, financial interest in creating traffic. Who needs logic and reason when you can have so much mindless drama? Notice how, just because you showed the slightest inclination of question, you instantly got two dislikes? This despite your comment only being made a short while ago? It happens quite a lot here, apparently. Whoever's doing it isn't interesting in fostering debate.. they hardly even comment. These fire-and-forget entities who come and go like the wind, don't expect much of anything else from them. Like I said, their interests are often financial. If Facebook registration was mandatory here they'd have a much harder time pursuing their nefarious endeavour.
I wish the OP would update it with more pertinent details. And I always take ratings with a pinch of salt..they can be easily manipulated (apparently).
@ 18:16:48. Thanks for your post. With someone people it'c clearly beyond their level of understanding..hence the reason examples are drawn. Go back 100's years and we had mobs running round the countryside, drowning people on the basis of a whim. Their motive? Well, if they die they aren't witches. This is no different..they're arguing their case not on the basis of sound, credible evidence; but of hearsay..speculation..empty accusation. The same happens in North Korea: certain 'mobs' will just pick you up off the streets and you are guilty until proven innocent..and often for what westerners perceive to be the most inane, irrational reasons. No trial. No justice. No reason. Just a law unto itself. These mobs 'seem' to think that mere question is tantamount to calling the up-loader a liar; that one lacks empathy and sympathy. Far from it. All one is doing is establishing fact. If the accusations are proven to be true then I agree whoever is responsible is basically being a lowlife piece of shit, but that's the whole point of what some of us are saying, which has obviously completely gone over some people's heads - this is the Internet. We do not know anyone personally (to the best of my knowledge). We should question. We should treat equally. We should be objective and neutral. We can't do any of that if we have nothing to work on but a bunch of text and a static image. Yet mere question is a sin in the minds of some, well so be it. Let them stay in the dark ages and drown witches if it makes them feel better..
"I take it that your are accusing the original poster of making a false allegation and that everyone but you are brainless zombies with no will of their own." No, that's just you trying to put words in my mouth? My post was clearly aimed at the people who take things at face value and call for lynch mobs..clearly not the same as saying everyone but me is brainless..
"Don't you realize that you are doing exactly the same in your ranting and self contradicting post as to what you are complaining about." Erm, no I'm not actually. My post is in context and I'm not the one calling for said mob to go round someone's house and inflict injury person and/or property. What is your point? Have you read my post? Are you upset because I dared seek to establish FACT and BEFORE proceeding? So instead I shouldn't question..I shouldn't treat people as innocent until PROVEN guilty? I should take everything written on the Internet at face value? Think before you act, not after.
I watched and read about the murder of Farkhunda Malikzada when it happened and was happy to think " that couldn't happen in England .
The posts on here makes me think possibly i'm worng the level of vitriol and anger from what at this point is an allegation ( as it was in Farkhundas case ) is fairly astounding ,
The only differnce i can hope for is that in this case its a brave mob hiding behind the anonymity of a computer .
Wow, such misguided politically correctness and anger. I take it that your are accusing the original poster of making a false allegation and that everyone but you are brainless zombies with no will of their own. Don't you realize that you are doing exactly the same in your ranting and self contradicting post as to what you are complaining about.
Diiiirtyy fucking cunt. Hope the car gets a random brick through the window everytime theres a window to smash! Then find the new car when he gets sick of it and start shitting all over that car instead. Owner needs to die so people can show some disrespect to his fucking family and see how they feel.... Twat!
What a complete moron this driver is the lowest of the low. How dare he show such disrespect on a mournful day. He should be fined and sentenced with his licence revoked. Make him walk (if there is any justice the plank)
Absolutely disgusting and disrespectful pair of humans!!.... People like this who don't have common courtesy shouldn't be allowed on roads, especially when it involves a bloody hearse and people who have just lost a family member!!... Hope they both get a taste of karma!!
You complete and utter fool!!! Hang your head in shame I think you've won most disrespectful idiot of the year here, well done your children will be so proud of there shambolic father.
Gonna do it yourself? You're not better than Sharia Law.. in other words, a law unto itself. Establish fact first - not last. You do not possess the facts.. and once again everyone is left waiting for the OP to provide more details. How many of the cases reported on here are even updated, let alone resolved?
When I see this made my blood boil , how fecking disrespectful a young girl has lost her life, if that isn't hard enough anyway! I'm sorry but I would of totally lost it if I had been there! Scum of the earth obviously been dragged up with no morals, care or respect of others! Karma will come!
Rude! Thoughtless! Insensitive! Disrespectful!
How would you feel if it was your mother or father in the herse and someone else acted in the same despicable manner as you did?!
The seeds you sow, you will reap!
LS12 VTN I Think you may be thinking about changing your car. Oh.. I checked to see what personal number plates are available; unfortunately TWAT - C*NT - WANKER etc; have already been taken.
I I feel for our children of the future what a life they are going to have, having scum like this to contend with - hope they feel the pain of losing someone they love whose close but there again they probably have no-one :(
What a shame I was hoping that the registered address would come up as I would have lived to pay them a little visit ........... That car would never of driven again and it would have been discreet so you would not have managed to claim on your insurance........... All I can say it you lucky fuckers. Your time will come boys.
What a low life, treating a family so badly, no respect when they had just lost their daughter, 17 years old. Her funeral and you had to disrespect her family and act so low. You should be ashamed of yourselves.
Ohhh your telling his insurance!! What do you think they are going to say to you?
How about "were not bothered we are just an insurance brokers, nothing to do with us why don't you go tell the blokes mummy and daddy"
Where is the evidence of them blocking the vehicles, surely it should not be possible for anyone to come on this site and slag off other drivers without providing evidence otherwise it could just be down to bitter feud about something completely not connected and using this medium to allow other people to get slagged off. If you aint got the evidence then you need to take this off.
Shamus - what sort of person, exactly, would be so disrespectful to a funeral procession?
If you believe that this kind of person exists, why would you find it so difficult to believe that a person could take a photo and tell lies? Some people murder other people, what sort of person could do that kind of shit?
If it's true, then he's a piece of shit, but as I wasn't there and have only heard one side of the story, I'll reserve judgement until the facts are known.
You wren't there either, Samantha, so how do we know who is right? And it's obvious there's people sitting at their screens most of the day waiting to down-vote these comments, judging by how quick and eager they are to do so. A picture and a bunch of text and what do we see? Look at the comments.. people saying they'll do this or that. People taking it at face value and being judge, jury and executioner and based on nothing more than at present empty accusations. This is setting a dangerous precedent - and to those ready to lunch, remember this. What if someone said something about you..something you disagreed with or denied was true? Put yourself in that situation. If the accusations are true then the person(s) responsible are trash - but before you can make that judgement you need to have the facts before you and none of us here have them. It makes a mockery of the justice system and serves only to hasten the day when sites like this get closed. If I want mindless bashing I'll go to a KKK rally or certain areas of the Middle-East thanks, not my own fucking country..
I agree. There is no actual evidence of wrong-doing here. Nothing. There are indeed people in this world who indeed use sites like this to make stuff up about others. I am not for one moment condoning anyone for wrong-doing, but I will not judge until I know the facts. Nobody here knows the facts because nobody has presented them. When will people realise this is not a witch trial? That this is innocent until proven otherwise? All I see is a lynch mob and those threatening the lynching are themselves in violation of the law..
And what sort of person exactly would post something as solemn as a funeral for a young girl and tell lies?
I hope this goes way over a 1000 thumbs down and gets the media's attention. As for the depraved sicko's giving a thumbs up, you are hated and have now got to live the rest of your lives with the guilt.
This driver should not be allowed on the road. Surely what he has done is an offence! If not, it ought to be. These are the people that give others a bad name.
This driver should have its licence taken away. What sort of person laughs and tells family members to get the horse drawn hearse carrying a 17 yr old girl to her final resting place to reverse all because they have no respect for the dead and refused to more their car. Absolute disgrace.
A funeral is a sad occasion, with people on the edge and needing respect. This driver and his passenger acted in an abominable manner, and I sincerely hope they get their comeuppance.
Obviously because he has a crap car he thinks everyone else on the road should give him some respect, but the way he drives and behaves on the road shows he deserves none!
One day you'll be attending the funeral of your loved one and I hope you get fucked up by a brainless little shit just like you. I'd have pulled your fucking head off if that had been my family
This person is a disgrace to the driving community!!
They parked their car and blocked the way of a horse drawn hearse taking a young girl to her funeral and they thought it appropriate to refuse to move when asked and laugh !!!
Disrespectful !! I hope karma catches up with you! You should be ashamed
These people are simply akin to something less than sub-human!! Absolutely evil and so very twisted!! How dare - HOW DARE - they disrespect a funeral courtage!! Vile creatures!!
He's probably bitter because he knows full well when it comes to his funeral, no one would want to attend. Or at least they wouldn't go to the effort of getting a horse-drawn carriage. Nasty little cretin.
I am stuck for words, how can anyone be so evil and heartless.
I wish your friend and the deceased relations my deepest and warmest sympathy.
Now as you state lets hope this goes world wide. Are you able to give a general idea of the location where these wicked and depraved persons did this, it may help that somebody could identify them so they can be named and shamed. them.
Nitormors in the shape of a bell-end