I am unable to upload video from a bus but feel free to ask Tfl for it and explain to them why you need pictures and then they might send you some crayons to colour them in with!!
@ 2024-11-09 01:11:01
Don't tell me, let me guess - you're a conspiracy theorist loser who thinks the world is flat, the moon landings were faked and the covid pandemic was a hoak, right?
No one gives a rat's ass if there's no video evidence. There's no rule on this site that says "You must include video evidence." Go fuck yourself prick.
Cut up a bus when lanes merged into one at Hayes Grapes by revving the hell out of it to get past.
Bus driver beeped and GAT decided to act hard and brake test several times.
Absolute bellend with a Chav plate on a shitty Vauxhall.
What a fucking Gregg Tosser.