Reading some of the comments on that link just proves some drivers still "own the road"
I know our policing has been cut to such an extent that the police aren't interested unless a cyclist is killed or seriously injured as it's just "a fact of life"
I'm getting to the point where I now believe overtaking cyclists should be included in the driving test and your driving licence only has 10 year limit and you will need to take a refresher every 10 years.
I can't cycle anymore through ill health but loved the freedom and benefits from cycling and luckily my city council was proactive for decades in cycling.
I'm still a two wheeler but powered ;) if I could afford it I'd go 3 wheeler MP3 so I could use my car licence for more power rather than needing direct access.
Driving is a lot safer because the driver is protected by a bg metal cage including crumple zones but you don't get the same freedom and you can't beat every car on your journey.
Cycling to work or back home usually took me 25mins, driving 40mins to 1 hour and motorbike probably 20 - 25mins
But the media and the government should do more to stop this "I own the road" bullshit
And before the anti two wheel brigade start spouting off stamping the feet then crying on the bottom step. Yes we have a few bad cyclists and a few bad motorbikers but how often do we kill innocent people? Come back with some hard facts then I'll read your comments and give you the attention you missed as a baby because your mother was the local bike for Arthur England