Selected comments

PB08 GAS 2024-06-13 11:45:36

Absolutely disgraceful parking with no blue babe.
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PB13 YEH 2024-01-17 14:21:15

If there isn’t room to park your van, then there isn’t room to park your van. You don’t park like a Cunt and block the footpath.
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PB11 ROS 2023-12-22 19:01:08

A prick who decided to honk his horn because i wasn't moving faster than 10mph in a heavily congested area around a roundabout today. So he swerved to the left lane and honked his horn to make some kind of point and get 5ft in front of me. What a hero.

Just to say that honking your horn like that doesn't make a point. It just makes you look like a prick.
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PB05 BEC 2023-04-06 20:51:32

Illegally spaced plate.
Illegal colouring on the plate - red bordering.
And what the hell have you done to those lips? Looked like someone had gone a bit crazy with the botox on the face there.
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PB11 TAN 2023-01-14 22:45:31

3 points and a fine for parking there!
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