Registration plate RE61TDV
Official local mnemonic: Reading
Postal area: Reading
Issued: between september 2011 and february 2012
Green Daf trucks, manufactured in 2011, first registered on 1 December 2011. Cylinder capacity: 9200cc.
✗ Untaxed Tax due: 1 December 2019
MOT: No details

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RE61 TDV 2016-03-29 22:54:26

I pay road tax mate, now move the fuck over otherwise I'll just run you over.
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RE61 TDV 2016-03-30 05:36:27

No you don't. Nobody does. If you understood what you're talking about you'd realise the shit coming out of your keyboard (unless you're just here to troll).
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RE61 TDV 2016-03-29 20:02:28

So why was it called a 'tax' disc then? Before it was done away with?
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RE61 TDV 2016-03-29 22:09:00

Excise Duty is a tax.but its on the vehicle not the road itself. Road upkeep is generally paid for for through central government and council taxes. Not sure how much comes from paying VED, probably some is syphoned off to pay for other things.
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RE61 TDV 2016-03-29 20:00:13

whoever says they pay Road tax is a stupid cretin. It's vehicle excuse duty not Road duty. It's a tax on the car because it's way heavier than a bike and causes far more wear to the road surface. There's no such tax as Road tax you thick stupid gobby toss pots.
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RE61 TDV 2016-03-30 08:37:34

D. Pot, kettle and black come to mind. Got nothing to do with "wear to the road surface" It was based on engine size and is now emissions based.
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RE61 TDV 2016-03-30 05:40:03

Not just ignorant people but ignorant sections of the media are also to blame. They wrongfully throw about the fallacy of "road tax" without a care in the world for the consequences.. no WONDER it was abolished if it brings out such spiteful, hateful, self-entitled pricks who think that just because they own a car they own the road. By the way said demographic.. cycles are there by right - you are there by permission. And if you want to talk about "upkeep", we ALL pay for roads, including cyclists, despite them doing the LEAST damage and causing the LEAST congestion as well as negligible pollution levels. Some have said that if anything, cyclists deserve a rebate for the reasons mentioned.
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RE61 TDV 2016-03-29 19:52:41

Aaaahh...but Shamus...this twat on the bike was quite clearly NOT turning right, he was holding up the traffic.
I guess that you are one of these arsehole cyclists yourself. For your information though, I have every right to moan about this,I pay my car insurance, & I pay my road tax for said vehicle, what do cyclists pay for using the road???.....nothing. So, until it is compulsory for cyclists to pay insurance & tax, stay off the fucking roads with your BICYCLES!! Arseholes.
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RE61 TDV 2016-03-30 05:43:36

Road Tax doesn't exist, it was abolished in the 1930's because of people like you. Reality check: we all pay for roads regardless of our mode of transport, through local and indirect taxation. You do NOT pay a tax or fee to use them - you pay a tax based on your car's emissions. It is not a tax on the road or a fee to use it. Is that clear now? You and your self-entitled attitude is the reason people die on our roads. You ignorant fuck-wit. You're also (intentionally?) wrong on the holding up traffic accusation. Seriously, get out of the right fucking side of your bed before you come on here and lament over things you know fuck-all about. Troll.
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RE61 TDV 2016-03-29 21:13:22

Well P, I gave TURNING RIGHT as an example and I was more than aware this was not the case in the video and so what if he held up a vehicle for a very short while, better that than a casualty.
Yes I am one of those assholes that cycles but I also own and drive 3 cars and pay VED, Insurance on all 3 three. I also probably cover1000's more miles than the average motorist does. lets see my 50-60k miles per year as opposed to what 8 - 10k per year for the average driver who's little commute in generally no more than 8 miles compared to my 100 to 200 commutes from A to B to C and so on. My 45 years with no accidents, no claims, no convictions. Twats like you cannot even drive to the sweet shop to get your kiddie energy drink without causing havoc and annoying other road users.
So, now who has the right to moan about who pays what, Using your argument against cyclists not paying and you having more rights. If that's the case.
I pay a lot more than you, so therefor I have even more rights so maybe you should not be allowed on the roads as much as me or better still move over when I want to get by otherwise I will toot my little horn and have a swearing tantrum.
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RE61 TDV 2016-03-29 15:57:05

How is this shocking? You cyclists are a pain in the arse, you cycle in the middle of the road, hold everyone up, pay no insurance etc to even be on the road.
You were quite clearly holding the truck back,by being away from the nearside of the road.
I am with the lorry driver here, I would have overtaken you as well.
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RE61 TDV 2016-03-30 05:51:13

Shamus, I think P is just a troll looking for potential bait. I see no end of this on YT and blog comments, they all follow the same pattern and can at times apparently get quite militant in their reservation, when in fact the sum total of their efforts is about as valid as a dog rolling in its own shit. Trolls on the roads in their carriages and trolls on the forums.. no wonder this country has such a problem with these fuck-wits and their inability to share the road with others (including cyclists).
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RE61 TDV 2016-03-30 05:46:48

You are just a troll. You cyclists this.. you know every one personally? IDIOT! Fuck off and start again, this time using some more brain that are switched on rather than off.. You are an idiot person and incapable of driving safely. Fuck you.
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RE61 TDV 2016-03-29 17:32:22

Ahem! For the benefit of ignorant and intolerant drivers:_ Cyclists please keep to the left and close to the kerb where no one can see you get crushed by a HGV, or come a cropper from a drain cover or pot hole.
I prefer to know where a cyclist is even if they are in the center of the road (when they are turning right maybe?).
The alternative: - Shock, horror, never delay me in my shitty car for a fraction of a second.
What the fuck is wrong with you cyclist hating, wannabe murderers? Drivers like you are as much a danger to motorists like me as you are to all other road users. Do me a favor and never drive again.
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RE61 TDV 2016-03-29 16:26:35

Cyclists are safest when they can easily see and be seen. Adopting a safe road position can also allow the cyclist a safety zone in which to manoeuvre in the event of a potential accident. By using positioning as a tool to help drivers understand what they are about to do next, the cyclist can also affect driver behaviour, and discourage drivers from performing potentially dangerous manoeuvres.
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RE61 TDV 2016-03-29 04:12:13

Bend..cyclist..HGV+trailer..I know; I'll over-take. What a stupid way to drive..
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RE61 TDV 2016-03-29 10:36:24

Although shocking I would assume the driver was sacked - it did happen (I assume) 21 Oct 2014 (youtube comment) and not 3 Nov or 11 Mar 2013 as camera date shows
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RE61 TDV 2016-03-29 02:37:50

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RE61 TDV 2016-03-31 22:00:22

That to me is attempted murder, with the weapon being a HGV.
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