Registration plate RF66ZXM
Official local mnemonic: Reading
Postal area: Reading
Issued: between september 2016 and february 2017
Silver Porsche Cayman, manufactured in 2016, first registered on 1 December 2016. Cylinder capacity: 2497cc, CO2 emissions: 167 g/km.
✗ Untaxed Tax due: 1 August 2019
MOT: No details

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  • Number 7 in the worst drivers ranking in March 2017


RF66 ZXM 2017-03-24 06:17:12

This older gentleman parked his oh so lovely car in not one but two parking spaces reserved for council minions, which shows how important he is. Seeing that gave me an instant semi but it shrivelled back to a prune when I found out the car was leased. I have no time for scum whom do not buy their vehicles outright.
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RF66 ZXM 2017-03-23 19:32:22

Haha can only afford a fucking shit iPhone and a knackered corsa! Hefty fucked
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RF66 ZXM 2017-03-23 13:30:49

It seems to me that everyone who has down voted this driver is poor and can only afford an iPhone 6 at best and probably has a car that is older than a 2017 plate. Tramps
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RF66 ZXM 2017-03-20 09:53:57

The sad thing is you've just took a picture while sat in traffic, you didn't even want to park there! yes it's a coxster but if you're jealouse of that then there's something wrong with you, and you clearly are jealous of it by posting this
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RF66 ZXM 2017-03-25 17:01:57

Larry can't count but that's hardly surprising
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RF66 ZXM 2017-03-23 11:03:27

Not really, there's 2.
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RF66 ZXM 2017-03-22 19:33:18

A lot of assumptions there Larry
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RF66 ZXM 2017-03-20 08:37:54

Maybe he was in the libary dick head.
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RF66 ZXM 2017-03-22 03:06:04

Then call the police because he must be a burglar, considering the library was closed.
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RF66 ZXM 2017-03-16 08:29:54

I think because owners of these cars are usually successful and used to getting their own way in life, they get a bit carried away. For example, the owner may be the CEO of a company where they are top dog and get a lot of respect from their workers, this then goes to their head and they forget that they are actually no more important than any other human being. I understand that they don't want their car to get damaged, which is the reason they park over two bays but who does? What would happen if we all parked like this? Why is a Corsa less worthy than a Porsche? It could be someone's pride and joy that they worked hard for on minimum wage. It's all relative.
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RF66 ZXM 2017-03-18 13:58:22

My first car was an old banger but I have better memories of driving it than the more expensive/newer cars I've owned since.
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RF66 ZXM 2017-03-17 01:04:55

When you look at it like that you could say a 10 year old Punto that took two years of hard work and saving to buy is actually more valuable to its owner than a 100k car is to someone earning millions of pounds a year.
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RF66 ZXM 2017-03-16 09:11:59

Well said! Perfectly sums it up. My first car was a 10 year old punto and I worked hard and saved for 2 years to buy it. I loved it! Would have hated for it to get doored, but I parked normally because that is what we do in an society.
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RF66 ZXM 2017-03-16 07:42:47

I bet the iphone 5 used to take the picture has a cracked screen too.

OP is just sucking at life and can't abide anybody doing better than they are.

What a very sad world we live in.

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RF66 ZXM 2017-03-16 09:28:58

What's the obsession with the OP's phone? Why would it have a cracked screen and what's the significance of this?

All the OP did was post a photo of bad parking so don't know why you are attacking him.

According to you someone who is "doing better" in life can park how they like.

A very sad world indeed.
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RF66 ZXM 2017-03-15 00:14:16

Probably some banker who thinks rules don't apply to him
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RF66 ZXM 2017-03-24 06:25:43

Exactly James Coulton, only a twat would post photographs and spend time commenting about a badly parked car and as you say the driver is an old man and no one over 40 has heard of the internet.
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RF66 ZXM 2017-03-23 11:05:36

Anyone who posts a picture of a badly parked car is a bit of a twat anyway. Besides the point, it really isn't going to affect the driver at all. Pointless, especially when it's probably some 50 year old man who hasn't heard of this site
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RF66 ZXM 2017-03-22 03:11:05

Connor there are loads of reports on here of clapped out old motors parked badly so I think your theory is weak.
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RF66 ZXM 2017-03-20 09:47:41

Don't get me wrong, He's obviously a bit of a dick and shouldn't park like that, however he shouldn't be targeted just because he had a decent car. In truth if this was a clio/corsa it wouldn't even be on here, yet because it's a porsche he's insecure!? That's just jealousy at it's peak, how do you even work that out?
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RF66 ZXM 2017-03-17 12:34:08

No one is preventing them buying a "good" car. All that's being asked is for them not to park like an entitled cunt. Is that really too much to ask? If a Clio or Corsa parked like this would you be defending them or is it just wealthy folk you've got a thing for?
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RF66 ZXM 2017-03-16 14:29:03

Are you joking? Clearly fucking jealous, if they can afford it why not let them get it, without abusing them cause you can't afford a good car, you probably drive a Clio or corsa, some cheap crap that's for sure
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RF66 ZXM 2017-03-15 17:55:20

People usually only buy cars like this because they are insecure and think having an expensive motor will make them superior. I don't hate these people, just pity them.
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RF66 ZXM 2017-03-15 11:33:44

Come on we don't know this.
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RF66 ZXM 2017-03-14 20:30:57

1. This is not the crime of the century unless done on a regular basis.

2. Status envy is the bane of civilisation

3. If anyone wants to buy me a Porsche, I will accept.

3a. Please accompany it with a sginle, blonde Swedish air hostess.
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RF66 ZXM 2017-03-14 12:03:23

The arrogance of these people is unreal. They buy expensive cars and think they can drive and park however they like, then when people point out their antisocial behaviour, the deluded toffs dismiss it as envy.
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RF66 ZXM 2017-03-13 20:32:34

Obviously a corsa owner :-D
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RF66 ZXM 2017-03-12 10:45:13

Someone is clearly jealous of a nice motor
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RF66 ZXM 2017-03-16 05:50:47

Sidjames thinks if he defends these cunts then one day he may be able to be one and drive a top of the range sports car but he's got no chance. Banker no, wanker yes!
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RF66 ZXM 2017-03-15 11:56:34

Spot on Steve. They all appear to be driven by aging twats experiencing a midlife crises.
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RF66 ZXM 2017-03-15 11:35:21

That's just hateful Steve. You know everyone who drives a Porsche? This could just as easily have been any other make of car.
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RF66 ZXM 2017-03-12 12:30:32

Don't be jealous matey cos only pratts drive Porsches
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RF66 ZXM 2017-03-10 08:02:47

Kenilworth Library was closed at 13.08 on the 4th march - when you took this picture (closed at 13.00).

Do you have nothing better to do with your time or are you just upset with the world because you can only afford an iphone 5?

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RF66 ZXM 2017-03-25 17:04:34

I wish I become a librarian so I could afford a brand new Porsche
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RF66 ZXM 2017-03-21 11:56:12

"As you pointed out the library was closed when the picture was taken so the car probably shouldn't have been parked there at all."

Pray tell, why?

Or are you too busy 'calling people out on oddball behaviour' to explain your assumptions?
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RF66 ZXM 2017-03-19 06:51:41

A council worker with a Porsche LOL 😆
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RF66 ZXM 2017-03-17 13:05:07

The spaces are not marked for library staff only. They are marked for Warwickshire County Council Staff only. There is a Kenilworth Town Council Building there too. There are many reasons a staff member might want to be there on a Saturday.
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RF66 ZXM 2017-03-16 21:17:05

Thanks for clarifying that you spent time investigating by examining the exif data, looking up the location and then the library opening times.

Why would you see a picture of a badly parked car online and then do your best to defend the drivers actions? Don't you think that's at the very least a little retarded?

The fact remains that the car driver is selfish and thinks it's ok to take two parking spaces and you're defending his actions. As you pointed out the library was closed when the picture was taken so the car probably shouldn't have been parked there at all.

Just to add, I didn't upload any picture. This report has nothing to do with me. I'm just a spectator who is calling you out for your oddball behaviour.
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RF66 ZXM 2017-03-16 11:01:47

If this photo was taken with iPhone 7 then that would be OK. Maybe even an iPhone 6S as long as it's the Plus version. But anything older than that invalidates your argument.
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RF66 ZXM 2017-03-16 07:44:56

"spent time investigating"

people seem to forget images usually contain exif data.

it took a quick google to find out what time this library shut and around 1 minute later I made my post.

how long did it take you to upload your picture, post your comment full of envy and toss yourself off over it afterwards?

longer I suspect.

I stand by my comments.
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RF66 ZXM 2017-03-14 10:37:09

So saying someone owns a Corsa and an iPhone 5 is an insult now? You need to reevaluate what's important in life.
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RF66 ZXM 2017-03-13 10:50:11

When you call a "materialistic dickhead" because they drive a "flash" car but your really just jealous because the fact is you can only afford a corsa.
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RF66 ZXM 2017-03-11 14:33:11

Calling people saddos when you've spent time investigating a photograph posted on this site which clearly shows some prick taking up two parking spaces. I bet you got a real thrill when you looked up the library opening times and realised it had closed 8 minutes before the photo was taken hahaha and you're going on about people having nothing better to do with their time.

You must be the driver of this car, surely. That would also explain why you keep banging on about the reporters phone model (WTF?) because you're obviously a materialistic dickhead if you drive a flash car like that.
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RF66 ZXM 2017-03-11 06:07:14

The question remains. Why park like this? It's highly inconsiderate.
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RF66 ZXM 2017-03-10 08:47:31

Was it the iphone 5 comment that riled you or the fact that you've been shown to be a bit of a saddo?
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RF66 ZXM 2017-03-10 08:10:14

So you (up there) think it's OK to park like a dickhead just because the library is shut.....just wtf

Only a dickhead would post a reply like that and it's probably the same (potentially) dickhead that actually parked it

Who else would go into such investigatory detail to attempt to give an excuse of why they parked like a dickhead?
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RF66 ZXM 2017-03-09 22:53:41

'cock womble'.....that is brilliant :)
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RF66 ZXM 2017-03-09 21:25:46

Can't park for shit! Should have license revoked and then taken to specsavers so they can see what the fuck they are doing
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RF66 ZXM 2017-03-09 21:19:54

Cock Womble parking in clearly marked spaces for the local library. If you can call that parking...
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RF66 ZXM 2017-03-29 22:20:07

Well tbh the guys obvs a wanker shit 4 cyl porsche thinks hes all that well no he can only afford a pussy porsche. Boxster and caymam drivers are very arrogant i wouldnt park my white 991 gt3 in 2 spaces and tbh the 718 is not rlly a car 2 get jelous at it strikes me that the owner is a fail and only can afford a shit 4cyl
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RF66 ZXM 2017-03-24 06:21:04

Do people still own cars that are older than three years? Makes me sick. Surely their benefits or a charity could buy them a new car at least once per year.
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RF66 ZXM 2017-03-23 13:28:33

Looks to me like book worm is a tramp with a small worm dick who has a car that is probably 3 years old the poor cunt
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