Terrible Karen’s asking me to move so they can park in a space next to me they had PLENTY of room to fit into. It happened at Maccies just off of the m40. I got my food and parked in a disabled bay to eat. There was an available bay NEXT TO ME. She pulled up infront of me, rolled her window down shouting at me to move. I was like ??? So I just ignored her as I was in the bay perfectly fine lol. She then went over to a van driver parked by the free disabled bay and asked him to move??? I wound my window down to ask what the problem was she firstly interrogated me about it if I was really disabled (I'm 21 so l'm not your typical old bird) and I was like that's none of your business but my disabled badge is out so take a gander?? She then said I was parked poorly so l asked her how as I was in the lines, she then said her mother couldnt park in the space next to me???
How? I was in the lines? So I told her her mother isn't a very good driver if she can't get into a massive parking space. She cussed me out calling me a bitch. Nasty Karen's lol, can't believe these people exist... (RK69 VRZ) - terrible entitled idiots
Yeading Lane towards The Grapes Hayes.
Probably doing at least 50 when he overtook the bus using the wrong side of the traffic island for the zebra crossing near the Primary school.
In response to your "What you lookin' at?" when you turned around and sped off back the other way I was looking to see what sort of cunt would drive like that near a school.
I got my answer.
Diversity is our strength apparently!!!
Lane hogger, brake checker. Just a knob.