Registration plate
Official local mnemonic: West of England Postal area: Exeter
Issued: between september 2014 and february 2015 Grey Volvo Xc60, manufactured in 2014, first registered on 1 October 2014. Cylinder capacity: 2400cc, CO2 emissions: 169 g/km. As of 7 September 2017 this vehicle had done 21,773 miles.
โ Untaxed Tax due: 22 August 2017
โ No MOT Expired: 6 September 2018
MOT history
Test date
Expiry date
Odometer reading
โ Pass
Rate driver
Number 1 in the worst drivers ranking in February 2016
Whenever I have a hire or courtesy car I have to give them my driving licence and normally am the only person allowed to drive it. They photocopy this and check the vehicle before and after I have driven it for the smallest scratch. Sounds like some sort of Jimmy saville sort of character who is above the law. They know who was supposed to be driving and if not they were probably driving with no insurance.
The CPS has been starved of resources whilst Cameron's circus spends over 40 billion of war, and sends CANCER patients to the job centre under penalty of losing their benefits should they feel too ill? Look it up.. look up the UN investigation into this very government. This is fucking disgusting, we are going back to pre-war Germany where the have's can get away with anything. This lunacy needs to stop and order returned. Our fucking country has been hijacked by idiots intent on destroying it from within and ignoring the safety of British citizens. Only the other day, a shop-keep was badly assaulted after calling the police THREE TIMES after a prick was hanging around in his store abusing staff and customers. THREE TIMES. The police refused to come out. There's your fucking country. There's your fucking police. There's your fucking couldn't-care-less circus act at the helm.
So does this set a precedent, whereby the Police make a formal request for the driver details, and we have the right to ignore such a request?
Imagine being caught speeding by a camera, and disregarding the formal notice issued by the local Constabulary. You might get fined for not supplying the requested information, but you'd then escape the points on your license.
Maybe the CPS should look in to this issue before it becomes commonplace to use this method to escape the penalty associated with breaking the law.
You don't avoid escaping the points on the license since failing to provide details on who was driving the vehicle is an offence and the owner of the vehicle is given 6 points (as is the case in this instance). That would be more than the 3 points given for a speeding offence.
Any progress on the case? Has the driver wanted in connection with this incident come forward? Someone must know who they are.. do the right thing. It could be you or a member of your family they ran over. There is no excuse for what they did. They have to come forward.
Can we name and shame the useless police officers that were put in charge of this case?
Maybe some disciplinary action because if I did my job like that I would be out on the streets in no time........Useless police = full doughnut shops!!!
What worries me so much is that 25 members of the public who have visited this page have rated the driver a thumbs up for good driving. Do we really have people out there that support this type of driving aimed at cyclists? No wonder there are many dangerous drivers on the roads who will be prepared to use their vehicle as a lethal weapon
This is the exact reason I disable ratings on video's. News articles are also affected by these trolls/idiots/flagging armies/paid agitators. They are not even there to express an opinion, all they are there to do is disrupt and that includes down-rating all and sundry. They must lead pretty pathetic lives. Still, I think most sane, rational human beings can see these types for what they are: a largely insignificant spec on the debating wind-screen, especially as more and mores services are using voting systems in which you can only vote the person up; hence few votes may indicate few agree, but there is no room for abuse of the system and the only means by which these trolls can make a point, is to post. A few try here, but all fail. So fear not, the change is coming, and more and more of these idiots are climbing back under their own rocks where they belong. Good.
I totally agree with you. I do believe that those supporting the driver maybe are criminals which they don't mind to see someone losing their life or maybe are unhappy people who were left in the bin when they were born cause their mother got pregnant on a one night stand
When were the police called? Was the car brought back to the hire company.. if so, what happened in between? After all the car was registered to them..
Ah, reading the other posts i see the Police's 'difficulty' was this car was hired. The law should transfer the responsibility to the owner in the case where the driver could not be identified. This needs to be a director of the company where the car is owned by a hire company. There should be no circumstances where there is a 'gap'.
Doesn't the company have CCTV or some form of photographic records regarding who is hiring their cars? Can't we check petrol stations and supermarkets, hotels? The person who did this is at large - someone must know who it is. Do the right thing before someone gets killed. There's no second chances with people like this. Do the right thing.
Hmm. I wonder if the person who hired that car deliberately hired it for this reason, e.g. difficult to trace and difficult to apportion blame. Maybe they are someone from another video out for revenge? I personally think it's DISGRACEFUL how someone can get away with this.. didn't the company do any background check on who was using their service? Don't have a legal obligation to do so? If someone more knowledgeable than me can answer these questions, please do so. Thank you.
I disagree, the responsibility should be transferred to the person in custody of the vehicle - the one hiring it, since the hire company provided their details.
What's going on? We are trying to help the environment by commuting by bicycle. Drivers like this should be banned for life. I wish this had happened in Africa because justice would be done on our hands if the police wouldn't act
'Cyclist', it's no surprise to see the outcome. Where I live there's an abundance of selfish shit-heats who have a complete disregard for cyclist welfare. They will under/over-take including roundabouts, cut you up, hurl abuse, threaten violence, use a vehicle as a weapon and generally be an ass-hole to the planet because hey, they are in a car and they are the only people who matter. You know I am saving for a camera to film this stuff because it's the only thing they seem to care about.. the police.. courts.. they won't act unless there's a collision. So basically anything goes. The only problem I have with the camera is I doubt I'll have enough space on the memory stick to fit a typical day's hell. And it's also innocent drivers who are affected by this prick-headed minority who should never be allowed near a car if they cannot share the roads!
I do not understand how there was no prosecution for this. What more evidence is necessary? Their names should be made public through the legal case. Both owners should be banned indefinitely if neither accepts responsibility.
Which psychiatric guard allowed you access to a keyboard ?
If you want to troll bravely - respond with a full id / address / photo and proof that you posted the "keyboard warrior" comment and we'll see how brave you are....
otherwise STFU and go practice your trolling skills after the psychiatric guard has forced your medication down your throat with his 8" dick
how can the police not prove who was behind the wheel surely the person who hired the vehicle would know, try doing some good old fashioned police investigation im sure local cctv cell phone location would be key to solving this.
if it was a policeman knocked over heaven and high water would have been moved, but what does it matter we are third class citizens
How can a driver get away with purposefully trying to mow down a cyclist.. Really don't understand how this type of behaviour does not warrant further investigation..
I am very sad to see these drivers/owners chose to be so dishonest...if that was their son or daughter and they had a life changing injury what would they do?
again disgusting. the driver got off on a technicality because it is a rented car. Therefore Rented or shared use cars should immediately be fitted with driver cams recording to a secure memory. we need to make this happen. This wasn't an accident it was attempted murder.
This is a total embarrassment to the CPS and to the justice system in the UK. Sometimes we need law enforcement to keep the roads safe for all. This is one of those times.
Poor decision by the CPS not to pursue. Hopefully this mark will remain on the individual prosecutor's career record.
If they really wanted, they could have put together a reasonable case based on phone records, witness statements and CCTV footage.
As regards the driver, what a waste of 52 years inhaling and exhaling.
This driver, male or female, surely must go down in history as the most irresponsible and dangerous driver in 2016! Hopefully he or she has already been reported and prosecuted for Dangerous Driving?
He or She is a bastard; that could have been someones son or daughter and they may have seen killed or maimed! We must prosecute this evil. If they should get run over and your car is driven by more than one person you'll get away with it!!!
This could of been manslaughter, the Police should track all the suspected drivers phone records to determine who was in the Mobile phone cell at the time. They should of charge the registered drivers with withholding evidence of crime and send them to prison until they own up
Could have been many things, attempted murder, assault, dangerous driving, etc. Without ascertaining who was driving it must be very difficult to ascertain motive.
Can someone talented not edit that video and try and see the silhouette of the driver/passenger?
They can't prove the driver because both the man and woman are not admitting to who it was - but it has to be one of two people right? It's a shame the video didn't capture who was driving
Both drivers should be fined, and let them fight it out amongst themselves. If my wife knocked someone off their bike, I'd tell the authorities who did it, and I'd stop and help the cyclist if I was ever moronic/blind enough to do this.
Had this been a fatality, I wonder if the decision not to prosecute would still be the case due lack of evidence based on who was driving, even though it could then be considered as manslaughter at the very least?
Now had this been a bank robbery all effort would have been made to track down the perpetrators and get a conviction, seems to me that money always takes precedence.
i dont understand, if i was to be in my car, van or on a motorbike and was involved in an RTA and drove away i would be reported for leaving the seen of an accident (AC10, AC20 conviction codes). Why is this not the same for this driver.
Have you sent this to the NOTTINGHAMSHIRE OFFICE OF THE
POLICE AND CRIME COMMISSIONER and your local MP. I am sure it would not be brushed under table after you contacted the MP.
So shocking!!!!!!!
He/She should be arrested. Why the police are not helping is completely disgusting. This should be treated no differently than the Brighton hit and run that we saw only a few days ago.
Though hopefully now it's only a matter of time before someone grasses up the driver of the car.
Before advocating vigilante action, bear in mind this was a courtesy car. The driver responsible is probably now back behind the wheel of his own Audi or BMW.
This terrible bit of bad driving is completely surpassed by the failure of Police and CPS to bring the driver to justice. Also 15 months later the driver has still not recieved a penny of compensation from the vehicles insurers!
What an absolute cunt!
I cannot believe the police simply cannot be bothered to do something about this. This is precisely one of the reasons officer numbers are being cut if they cannot get off their arse to get dangerous drivers like this off the roads. I bet he's an off-duty copper or has friends in high places.
It might be a good idea to read and digest the article. Whilst I totally agree that all practicable action be taken, if you cannot identify the driver you're a bit stuck.
We have a tradition of innocent until proven guilty in this country which although it can be problematic is the best we can hope for.
It's nothing to do with the police force the government make the reductions.
The cps decide Wetherby the case is submit able and 5he magistrate decides the punishment.
Educate yourself please.
The CPS like any other government department have been forced to save money, I am surprised they have not sold the Police and CPS off yet to some foreign country along with the family silver plus the table and chairs.
Disgraceful this case could have easily been tried and costs passed on to the guilty party.. . There seems to be an N missing from CUTS.
Absolutely disgusting. The driver should have been prosecuted for attempted murder. Guess the hapless police can't be bothered with the paperwork involved. It would of course be a different story in the driver had knocked a police motorcyclist off.
So if you drive a hire in car you can apparently get away with causing injury by careless driving?!? Disgusting.