For the record, I wasn't recording any children at all. I was with my baby and partner. He obviously thinks he's better than everyone else, hence why he thinks it's ok to park in such bays without a child. Let's face it, he could do with walking a bit further. I wonder if he knew about my dash cams. I welcome the police to talk to me.
To the person leaving the note. Make your complaint. I guarantee you it will amount to NOTHING and I think we both know this. Your reaction however, was odd to say the least. You took exception to someone filming which is not against the law; this regardless of ASDA's policy. As regards said policy, there were no signs prohibiting filming.
Alas, if you still think "filming children" amounts to perversity then let us know when you've complained about every CCTV filming children. You won't, because again I think we both know you're talking crap.
Oh, and your rude hand gesture in front of families - you just made it everyone's business.
For the record, I wasn't recording any children at all. I was with my baby and partner. He obviously thinks he's better than everyone else, hence why he thinks it's ok to park in such bays without a child. Let's face it, he could do with walking a bit further. I wonder if he knew about my dash cams. I welcome the police to talk to me.