Registration plate
Official local mnemonic: Yorkshire Postal area: Leeds
Issued: between september 2009 and february 2010 Silver Kia Sedona, manufactured in 2009, first registered on 1 September 2009. Cylinder capacity: 2902cc, CO2 emissions: 199 g/km. As of 9 February 2018 this vehicle had done 51,522 miles. Current estimated odometer reading: 119,400 miles.
✗ Untaxed Tax due: 1 November 2019
✗ No MOT Expired: 1 May 2020
MOT history
Test date
Expiry date
Odometer reading
✓ Pass
Nearside Front Tyre worn close to the legal limit (4.1.E.1)
Offside Front Tyre worn close to the legal limit (4.1.E.1)
✓ Pass
✗ Fail
offside rear tyre cracking in tread
Offside Rear Registration plate lamp not working (1.1.C.1d)
✓ Pass
Nearside Rear tyre steeped
✓ Pass
✓ Pass
Offside Front Suspension arm rubber bush deteriorated but not resulting in excessive movement (2.4.G.2)
Windscreen has damage to an area less than a 10mm circle within zone 'A' (8.3.1a)
o/s wiper smears
Child seat fitted not allowing full inspection of adult belt
Engine covers fitted obscuring some components in the engine bay
✓ Pass
Nearside Rear Tyre worn close to the legal limit (4.1.E.1)
✓ Pass
Rate driver
Number 7 in the worst drivers ranking in February 2023
Number 10 in the worst drivers ranking in April 2022
Number 6 in the worst drivers ranking in March 2022
Number 9 in the worst drivers ranking in December 2021
Number 1 in the worst drivers ranking in September 2021
Number 7 in the worst drivers ranking in November 2019
Number 2 in the worst drivers ranking in July 2019
Number 7 in the worst drivers ranking in June 2019
Number 9 in the worst drivers ranking in May 2019
Number 8 in the worst drivers ranking in April 2019
Number 1 in the worst drivers ranking in March 2019
Number 9 in the worst drivers ranking in August 2018
Number 2 in the worst drivers ranking in July 2018
Number 1 in the worst drivers ranking in June 2018
Number 1 in the worst drivers ranking in May 2018
Number 3 in the worst drivers ranking in April 2018
Number 1 in the worst drivers ranking in March 2018
Number 1 in the worst drivers ranking in February 2018
Number 1 in the worst drivers ranking in January 2018
Fucking cunts like this deserve to be drawn and quartered with their road fuckery. Honestly hope to God they have a family bereavement and someone blocks their hearse.
Pulls out into clear lane to block other motorists from passing by. Instead of making progress he went as slow as if there were vehicles queuing in front. A pervert with his driving.
Absolute fucking arsehole endangering the lives of innocent motorists on an active motorway lane.
Held up hundreds of motorists because he is a fucking moron.
Are you effing dumb, he is a bad driver and clear that he needs to have his licence removed. Read the other posts, causing accidents, killing peoples pets, the guys a menace.
Perhaps the lane was closed at the moment the KIA driver crossed the sign. In that case he simply doesn't know yet that the lane is available again. As a consequence, everyone past the sign could think you're selfish (while you aren't). You could indicatie and explain that the drivers on your left are free to merge along...
this person lined up in tesco and told me to move forward but there were 2 people in front of me standing tightly no space for me to move between them during covid panic so i followed them to their car bitched them out they darted into their ve-hi-acle.
He opened his back window and a fat little girl, probably his daughter, had stuck her butt out the window and took a crap down the side of the car. I guess they couldn't get to a rest room in time. It was bloody horrible and the poop flew from his car onto ours! The stench is unbarable.
I was parked in front of this guy at the lights coming out of Morrison’s. Lights had gone green for a split second, before I knew it he was hurling his groceries at my car shouting “gooo”. It made my kids cry.
Blokes an arsehole, taking the law into his own hands. The lane is live still as there’s a 40mph sign in the gantry so he’s got no right to block the lane. In short....the blokes a cunt and deserves a ticket for blocking a live lane
Saw him rolling on the floor of a main road outside his car seemed a bit drunk or high on something also had lots of photos on the passenger seat not sure what of but seemed to be of younger ppl
This nasty bloke had been driving down the expressway at no more than 30 km/h. He had his wipers going at their highest setting yet it hadn’t been raining. I was concerned for the bloke’s mental sanity. His right indicator had been going as well, yet he’d been in the most right lane! A nasty fellow indeed.
caught him shoving holly down his top shouting out the window to everybody that his name was damian. also he had his wipers on at full blast even though it wasn't raining
Guy was sat in the outside lane of a motorway, at 10mph, rolling in 3rd gear with his cock out singing "the wheels on the bus go round and round" blocking all the traffic, ABSLOUTE TWAT
We have proof it’s on YouTube a video of him blocking a motorway. Ask for evidence before assuming shit. Search car won’t let people by motorway. I’m sure it will show up somewhere. When you find it I hope you feel stupid
Guy comes out of his car and starts doing some Irish dancing or something like that, then a guy in a silver Kuga comes out of his car and joins in. Absolutely not helping the old woman looking for someone to help her cross the road. Wow. Just wow.
The lane may well have been closed 2 miles back, that portion of film wasn't posted.
BUT the gantries clearly show 40mph, so what ever the problem was, it was now gone.
Was he tired, drunk, on drugs, how could he not be paying enough attention to not even see the 40mph signs.
What a king idiot.
What an absolute tosser! Who does this person think they are?! Shit car by the way whatever it's called kia something shit. Stay off the motorway you greasy bell end! Wanker.
This guy caused me some problems on my commute home. I was driving on the outside lane minding my own business when suddenly he pulled in front of me and slammed to a complete halt. I got out and approached the driver side window and said "alright cunt what's the problem," to which he replied "mate you got any gum?" I said fuck off mate I ain't your mate and no I ain't got any gum, he said "oh come on mate, I bloody love you," then he tried to climb out through the window and kiss me but he slipped and head-butted me on the chin and fell onto the concrete covered in his own dribble. At this point I looked into his car (Kia) and on the passenger seat I noticed a pile of pirated DVDs (original Tomb Raider with Brad Pitt's wife) as well as a Southampton F.C. shirt. The worst part though was on the driver's seat itself, a heavily Vaselined and evidently well loved butternut squash had been fixed in place with duct tape for his enjoyment while blocking lanes of traffic. Other than that good driver good bloke, 8/10.
Say this driver hanging around school gates every day at morning time holding his dashcam while videoing walkers by. I approached him and he told he he was a road inspector. Asked for ID but had none, or paperwork not even road marker or high his vest. Never saw the pervert again.
this driver has no observational skill at all no basic skills what so ever. he needs to check his mirrors and shit because i was in the bus and he tried to over take the bus when the bus indicated already. he should wait for the bus to go first man wth
How much of a small minded shit stain do you have to be to do this sort of thing? How many people's days do you want to fuck with for no reason whatsoever? This person should not have a licence.
the only people that can close a lane on a motorway are the HIGHWAYS AGENCY or POLICE not some tosser in a kia or a ford..if the overhead gantries show a speed then its open to use, only and only if a BIG RED X is showing then you cannot continue in that lane
To the driver of YJ59 HHE - I hope you one day read this - In case you don't realise, you are an utter utter massive cunt!!!!!
What on earth were you thinking blocking the road like that? There is no reason for you to do so & you have no right to do so. Someone should amputate your arms so you are no longer able to drive!
Very concerned. I was sittin at mackeys eatin my burger when I saw this wanka pull up and snatch some little girl right up. Even pulled out his willie and tried to pop it into her easy bake oven while driving with one hand. FUCKING WASTEMAN HE IS! BLOODY HELL M8!
I had a moment like that not to long ago....just didn't see the biker and he pulled up and was pretty chill over it, asked him his plans and I ended up buying him lunch as an apology for my fuck up, and now I'm dating his sister
So one day I was driving my kids around. Then this *blank* decides to take a pooper while driving. Mind you, we are on the freeway. Little does he know I was recording. Anyways, he got away. This time
I wish this wanker would stop it already, he’s an embarrassment to all those trying to commute on the motorway. He’s gonna go blind if he doesn’t knock it off already. Disgraceful, hideous .discusting.
I had a twat in a lorry do a very similar thing on the M40 about 6 weeks ago. Straddled lane 2 and 3 from about 1 mile before the obstruction. Recorded on dashcam and sent through to Thames Valley police who will be prosecuting the wanker for obstructing the highway and incorrect use of lane for the vehicle type.
Hello everyone,
I regret to inform you that this car does not exist as of the 6th of June. It passed the MOT and I began driving home, only to crash into a car that did an emergency stop. I didn't react fast enough and my car smacked the boot of the car in front. Both our cars went up in flames. The lad then said how it was my fault, despite him was the one breaking in the motorway. He sued me and I had to sell my car for parts, as it was broken. I'm now in debt. He had a hat on
Passed by this guy yesterday and gave me a Ziploc bag with whitepowder in it. Until I opened it I realized it was flour. I'm pissed off that it wasn't powdered sugar.
Never met this guy, but rumour has it he is so fat he doesnt even fit into Jackamo cloathing, and he keeps 6 prostitutes tied up in his basement. He most likely smells and would eat a piece of road kill if he had the chance.
YJ59 HHEAbsolute knob who blocked the road thinking he's Motorway police2018-06-03 11:23:57
There's a enraging video of this idiot blocking the motorway for hundreds of cars behind him because he thinks it's his duty to tell people which lanes they can drive into. Obnoxious idiot who doesn't care about other motorists and could've held up someone going to labour or going for a business appointment
And those people who were held up could have also missed their flight or missed the last check-in at the ferry terminal when they had a trip to Paris booked, etc.
Saw this guy runover somone's dog on a pedestrian crossing. He got out his car, laughed, and put it in a bin liner saying "this will do for tea tonight". He also apparently acts as self employed police officer to make up for a lack of personality. Who knew?
This dude pulled up right outside my house, jumped out and blew his load on our neighbour's cat before blasting away and almost hitting 3 other cars!!! Revoke his licence!
I seen him pull up on the hard shoulder and take a shit while sniffing his fingers, the guy then proceeded to try and sell the big issues on the side of the road.
He was later seen wanking off in the mens toilet at the services while sniffing toilet seats, Dirty bastard.
This guy is a terror on the roads. Revving his engine at 1am in the morning down side steets. I came out of my house to tell him to stop and he did a burnout and shot off down the road almost hitting me and a cat who was crossing at the zebra crossing. Should be banned.
I know most of these reports are faked to decrease his score, however I genuinely saw this guy driving in Bingley today. He wasnt doing anything out of the ordinary other than what appeared to be throwing rubbish out the passenger window, hitting the car to the left, which in itself is disgraceful
So I was walking home from school and this guy swerved round the corner, the screech of his brakes pierced my eardrums as he stopped right behind me. He opens the window and goes "don't walk on the road please" and I say "OK", slightly confused as I was barely touching the kerb. I stood back and me and my friend watched in horror as this guy mounted the path and sped away, almost hitting an elderly woman who was struggling with her shopping bags. We walked a little further and were now walking down the A63 when we saw his car sideways going forwards and backwards across the lanes to stop anyone from passing. He obviously slipped as next minute he went over the safety metal fence and was in the little ditch on the other side of us, taking out a disabled year 7 along the way. He then drove off, car covered in blood, beeping his horn while his 5 year old kid tried to get out of the car. Average kia driver right there.
I saw this guy driving with all his doors open, whilst on the phone, drinking a bottle of whiskey, smoking a hit of crack and selling pirate DVDS. He's also a pretty shit driver and a rapist. RiDiCuLOuS
Unfortunately Elmo would like to say everything he would have liked to say has already been said. Except maybe wanting to point out that all those people who gave this thing a thumbs up did so by accident because this system does not allow users to remove their rating.
Cannot be described as anything more than a literal terrorist on the road. Children scream and run in fear when they hear him coming. Certified nonce, should be sent to a firing squad and have his car crushed.
They can charge him though for disruption of the road. He may not have been speeding but because he was blocking the path and could of caused an accident behind the police can charge and add points to his licence
Dirty bastard pulled up next to me at the lights, spat at me through the open window, then drove off through the red light, nearly hitting a crossing pedestrian.
This is ABSOLUTELY UNACCEPTABLE. I can't believe he and the driver in the Kuga held up so many people and put MANY lives at risk in the process. Could you imagine how many people were late for their meetings or had missed their flights because of these absolute scumbags?! FOR SHAME.
making me angry just watching this. I'm so sorry that you and the hundreds of other motorists had to endure these 2 fucking cuntbags.
Next time please remove them from their vehicles and beat them. We will crowdfund your legal fees don't worry.
So there I was, minding my own business, when this a$$hat swerved into my lane, cutting me off, and slammed on his brakes. I then became involved in the most uncomfortable situation of my life when his male gimp flew out of the rear of the vehicle with a dil-do sticking out of his bottom. He jumped out of the driver's side of the car and proceeded to chase his gimp around the car and side of the road for several minutes. Eventually, yet quickly, the gimp began to tire out (I think they had a round of rough-housing earlier in the day that left the gimp vulnerable to fatigue at this time). The driver finally caught him and put him in a sleeper hold until he passed out. He then dragged his lifeless body (with dil-do still in his bottom! I'm guessing there might be a glue kink at play) the 60 feet back to the rear of the vehicle, tossed him in, and closed the door. He then hopped back into the vehicle and sped off. #gimplivesmatter
This shit head was lucky I wasn't behind him as I would have knocked him out and moved his pile of junk car into the other lane in front of they other muppet causing this lane blockage!! Absolute Turds.
This dude is a class A cunt. I saw him on YouTube making sure no one passed a lane because he was getting annoyed people were overtaking him so he decided to block the lane up to get people back in the lane he was. Honestly why do people like him feel like it’s okay to be a cunt? Get off the road pal.
This guy is a classic example of a little bitch boy. He has a tiny penis and has no control over his own pathetic daily life, so in order to feel like a big man he asserts power over strangers who are at his mercy. Notice how he chooses to do it from inside the safe metal box of his shit car. Such is usually the case in these instances of self-appointed junior deputy douche.
They're closely related to the species of pimply pubescent boy bullied in high school, then turns the tables and becomes pig-faced prick of a police officer to have his revenge.
I was driving along the motorway, pretty much on autopilot, when this chap surprisingly pulled out in front of me.
I got of the car to have some choice words with him, but he explained that he had seen I was clearly a man of class and breeding, yet was about to inadvertently enter Yorkshire of all places! I hadn't realised what a mistake this would be, as it is a godforsaken shithole of a county full of mentally deficient inbred knuckle-draggers.
We had a bit of a chat about how I could now avoid entering the arse-end of the planet, but realised that because we were on the Motorway, the only option now would be to bomb it to the next junction, then turn around pretty sharpish before contracting Eckythumpitis.
If only there were more people like this true gentleman, or an outbreak of Bubonic Plague centred in the vicinity of Otley, then the world would be a better place.
This guy is the biggest bellend ever! He was swerving all over the road, It got so bad that I eventually sped alongside him to tell him to pull over and I saw him with his finger up his ass then he rubbed it across his nose and smelled it!
Was driving down the m621 and saw this guy pulled over onto the hard shoulder.
I parked up to see what was wrong doing my good Samaritan deed for the day and there he was, plain as day cracking out a wank over dog porn.
I wish i'd have seen the youtube video before this as if so, i'd not have stopped because this is obviously the kind of person he is.
Tiny little man syndrome thinking he's above people.
I was travelling on the M-way on a quite day while all i see is a sudden road rage by this driver at another who was doing nothing wrong except over taking a lorry. absolute horrendous language was used which I cannot even quote on here. also, the driver was swerving from lane to lane due to the lack of attention. he could have ruined someones day badly and/or even lives if it was the wrong day.
What a great driver, wished I had the balls to do that, There’s to many people in a rush today....just chill and enjoy the motorway it’s never good to arrive early!
He shouldn't be on the roads this guy suddenly swerves into my lane, proper close to me car and me old granny was with me and holy hell did she commit sin by swearing at this swine
I haven't had a job for the last 5 years and am currently homeless. I was offered a great job in leeds. Pays really well, and is exactly what I've done before so should be simple enough to pick up.
I rejected it in case I ever come across this guy.
The biggest fucking cunt ever seen behind a steering wheel. I am absolutely certain that that prick is way to fucking stupid to even wipe his own sore arse. Get that cunt off of our streets.
A smaller scale of this happens EVERY DAY because people won’t merge in turn at the front when the lanes reduce 3-2 or 2-1. You get them people pushing left immediately causing everyone behind to brake, and you get them ones that don’t want anyone to stay or move forward in the remaining space/lane like this idiot and his friend in the ford. USE THE ROAD SPACE AVAILABLE AND MERGE IN TURN. Morons.
It's called 'zip merging' people and it's what we should all be doing...queueing to enter the non-closed lane is ultimately a choice, and barging in front of those who have chosen to queue is dangerous, instead try asking someone to give way first by indicating on approach.
Do you have ANY idea at all how many people you and the driver in the Kuga held up?! For one thing, someone could have been late for their meeting or missed their flight because of your actions!
Not to mention how many lives were endangered as well - what if a car hadn't noticed the HUGE queue of traffic in time and had caused a motorway pile up? Dozens of people could have been SERIOUSLY injured!
You're not the police, you self appointed nazi prick. If people make the mistake of continuing in a lane that has been closed or too fast in a variable speed zone then that's their error and it's for the police and the autorities to deal with. It's not the place of an insignificant worm like you. Get a life and get over your self-importance. You dont matter ha ha.
Hi, not everyone is bothered by the fact that you just held a few people up. It was such a small event and it's funny to see so many comments from people that are "annoyed". They should say "i see it was a mistake, and even if it wasn't, i don't have a problem with the guy". I think it's just that the comments attracts the exact group that are the type to leave mean comments, most people are more easy going and so on. I hope Dean is doing well and isn't bothered by the lame people in the comments with no lives.
And if there had been an ambulance among those you'd held up? What then? You would have no remorse for possibly being the only reason a very sick child didn't get the medical attention they needed to survive? Or the reason why a fire truck couldn't reach a chemical explosion? Shame on you! I know you won't feel guilty for what you did, but I hope that people like you become a minority. Think twice before becoming the dictator of whether people can move or not, you may find out that you hurt a lot more people a lot worse with your silly actions than just making them late.
I’ve just watched re YouTube video of this guy holding up hundreds of drivers of a motorway... all I can see if his lucky I wasn’t there I would had dragged him out the car and drove his car myself biggest prick on the road by far👍🏼
I feel like you're doing a disservice to non-autistics by pretending that autism isn't actually a disability. You can't just disregard facts for the sake of feelings.
Besides, the autistic are too busy being autistic to realize they're autistic. I bet they don't even know what autism is; let alone read or understand these kinds of comments anyhow.
Which means they aren't offended, it's apparently just all about you.
He thinks (and acts) that you can self appoint yourself as police, when he doesn't even know the laws himself - in doing this, he's endangering his life and others - he acts like this on the road, I'd hate to see him in the stores.
What a stupid sanctimonious self-absorbed twat! I would have rammed him out of the way! Where I come from, this asshole would have been beaten half to death!
What an utter, utter prick.
If you have passed the signs yourselves seeing them show the emtpy lanes still marked as closed, and soon after sees cars starting to drive in them, it would be pretty logical to do some reasoning with yourself and understand that they just might have seen something completely different on the signs after you passed it. So utterly, mindboggingly stupid. Even if the lanes were in fact still closed, I know of no country where a civilian has any right to do this. I've understood this isn't the case in the UK either.
This driver should have his licence taken off him, and a fine issued, as he could've prevented (and may well have prevented) emergency vehicles getting through, when the lane was live, albeit at 40mph. His driving/blocking of the carriage could be construed as dangerous driving (i.e. 'A person is to be regarded as driving dangerously for the purposes of sections 1 and 2 of the Road Traffic Act 1988 if the way he/she drives falls far below what would be expected of a competent and careful driver, and it would be obvious to a competent and careful driver that driving in that way would be dangerous')!!
Hey person with 22+ dislikes on ya comment... majority of us here are trying to get this arse off of the roads. You should get a life, and realise what the potential damage could be if he/she is on our roads for much longer.
The MOT expired on 30th Jan. small print of insurance states it is also uninsured. Lets get it crushed so they can not cause any further issues on the road
What an absolute wank again he was probably bullied as a child and has no decent career hence why he's 40 odd driving a banged up Kia people carrier to carry his accidental kids with council estate wives, so feels the need to take it out on everyone else
What a prick, most likely bullied at school and very insecure. The least you deserved was your fucking teeth knocking out and your cunt mate in the ford
Pretentious cunts the pair of them, causing extra congestion and endangering thousands of lives. All because they dont know the highway code.
You pay road tax, so use all the lanes provided in order to reduce congestion. Simple.
A very dangerous driver going under 5 mph on the motorway blocking everyone from going home and causing a massive traffic jam in the right hand lane. very dangerous should not be on the road could have caused an accident!
This is just a typical leave voter. Will believe any shite spurted at them, cannot plan ahead, and will do whatever they can to inconvenience and cause problems with others. Oh and chances are they are over 50 and are an avid reader of 'The Sun'
So sad that this guy was slowing me down as I have soo much to offer those who I come across in life. These roads are full of people that I dont like and do not wish to drive along the same roads as me, they should stay at home on mumsnet. Im soo tireo of it.
There used to be some great guys on the roads but now its full of retards which i do not wish to participate in fear of my shiney yellow paint getting scratched.
You...have "so much to offer those you come across in life?" Like your mum and sisters you mean? You sound like as big a tool as the drive in the video!
Seriously though...just how much does that level of self-fisting hurt?
Needs to be removed from the road or have a driving retest. Never ever block traffic because of your little hurt feelings. Police should give this guy a visit and issue a fine.
I hope while both these guys were sat being c*nts that their wives were getting ploughed by guys with hepatitis and now they have it too, knobheads I’d have really lost my sh!t
All irritating. As are the lane one users who drive far too slow. They cause the lorries to go into the middle lane, which can cause tailbacks for those of us who are comfortable driving at 70mph and want to find our way round the lorries and they're dangerous, especially when exiting the motorway and you have to adjust to their speed. I caught one old person doing around 25-30mph on the M56 the other day as I was trying to exit.
What a prick.
This happens a lot in the UK. Similar to when you pass signs that warn 50mph Road works in 1 mile. Some twat thinks its OK to slow you down to 50mph early. Fucking numpties need banning.
hahahahahahaha Liverpool you fucking losers!