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YK66 SBU 2024-05-17 16:54:04

Absolute prat overtaking a truck into and nearly hitting an oncoming car
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YK16 JEV 2024-05-09 14:43:41

Driving at whatever speed he likes, pushing other drivers around & dangerous undertaking. He caused accidents then sped off. Needs as many police reports as possible.
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YK62 NBF 2024-05-04 16:12:30

Good driver
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YK14 VDD 2024-04-21 18:39:17

Toyota Yaris driving towards pointer roundabout.

Both hands on the wheel - check.

Mobile phone also in his right hand - wanker check!
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YK65 MKV 2024-04-04 09:30:42

Well done to this clown for nearly causing an accident by cutting in front of cars by turning right from the wrong lane and then nearly smashing on to a car in the opposite lane only to end up blocking a box junction at Alton Towers.

Driver then proceed to mount the pavement to get around other cars
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