Registration plate YY66EXM
Official local mnemonic: Yorkshire
Postal area: Beverley
Issued: between september 2016 and february 2017
Grey Audi, manufactured in 2016, first registered on 1 September 2016. Cylinder capacity: 1984cc, CO2 emissions: 155 g/km.
✗ Untaxed Tax due: 1 October 2019
MOT: No details

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  • Number 8 in the worst drivers ranking in November 2018
  • Number 7 in the worst drivers ranking in October 2018


YY66 EXM 2018-12-21 11:03:48

Sorry First comment vanished so I tried to re do it then both appeared!lol....Anyway you get the point, she's just an inconsiderate bi*ch.
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YY66 EXM 2018-12-21 11:00:42

OH I've come across her before in Beverley! She nearly ran over us running a red light! I've seen the car before usually outside Inches Body studio (F**k me she needs it!lol) nr Dominos and Sleepers Restaurant both on Norwood (says it all!lol) Can't mistake the car with its reg and always the same lard ass driver! It cu*ts like her that give Audis their poor driver reputation!.
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YY66 EXM 2018-12-21 10:49:11

OH I've come across her before in Beverley! she nearly ran us over when she jumped a red light!!! often parked outside the Inches Body studio on Norwood, (christ she need!lol!)
both near Dominos and Sleepers restaurant (says it all!) it's a memorable car, number plate and always driven by the same morbidly obese woman! She drives like a fucking twat on speed! no regard for anybody's safety whatsoever, she'll get her comeuppance oneday and hopefully soon.
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YY66 EXM 2018-12-21 10:33:56

Wife driving, told me when she got home she'd been followed for miles with an Audi tight up her arse driving in the middle of the road, its a 40mph and she was already doing 50 because of her but that's not nearly fast enough for the reckless IDIOT Audi woman who overtakes nealy running into the arse of the slowing van and then has the gaul to give her the finger after she cut her up! then she takes off again!...look at the speed and distance gained ahead of us, raining, poor visibility 1.5c and its a 40, she must be doing 80+? to get that far ahead!...She really needs banning from the roads before she kills somebody!
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YY66 EXM 2018-12-22 11:11:13

Stupid BITCH, why do some Audi drivers have to drive like cocks? Do they not realise they are really driving a rebadged VW?
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YY66 EXM 2018-11-26 14:32:36

Blatant Dash Cam Wanker driving here form the video poster. What a complete sackless shit of a man. There is always 2 sides to every story and yours stinks of the shit-hole you crawled out of. Horse? Really? Then post up the video or slide back into your mums ass.
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YY66 EXM 2018-11-26 10:37:19

Face like a robbers dog.
She is a well known benefit cheat and likes to sell her snatch for the price of a porkpie.

She loves a darkies as well - group sex in laybys is her fave.
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YY66 EXM 2018-11-26 16:29:36

Only family sized pork pies. Or a scotch egg!
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YY66 EXM 2018-11-22 13:01:49

washed up old scrubber.
She needs her false teeth knocking out and head stamping on.
It sure would be an improvement.
That's years of cheap vodka, camel lights and glue sniffing for you!!
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YY66 EXM 2018-11-22 12:59:35

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YY66 EXM 2018-11-17 12:38:18

Someone doesn't like being overtaken eh? Muppet
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YY66 EXM 2018-11-17 15:52:45

Someone likes driving like an idiot and causing riders to fall from horses. Hope they recovered and the stuff mentioned on facebook is true.
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YY66 EXM 2018-11-16 08:26:21

She thinks she has beautiful olive skin.
you look red love!!!
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YY66 EXM 2018-11-22 12:54:51

Under that dirty make up is a real olive on the buses.
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YY66 EXM 2018-11-17 10:23:37

More like orange - fake tanning at its finest lol
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YY66 EXM 2018-11-06 16:42:28

She is a well known druggie.
You'd think at her age she would be off the crack by now.
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YY66 EXM 2018-11-06 16:40:45

Fucking ugly old troll.
What a moose!
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YY66 EXM 2018-11-06 13:24:33

Saw this discussed on facebook - sickening to hear about the injured horse and it's rider.
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YY66 EXM 2018-11-26 15:35:52

Please share a link to the Facebook discussion or page it was mentioned on.
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YY66 EXM 2018-11-01 13:15:33

She is one rough old cunt.
Face like a fat, slapped, skiddy arse!
I bet she fucking stinks down below as well.
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YY66 EXM 2018-11-01 09:41:38

Wow, that is reckless beyond belief. Hope the person that fell from the horse makes a speedy recovery and the driver is reprimanded.
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YY66 EXM 2018-11-01 13:02:32

Yes! Almost as reckless as the car with the camera in, accelerating while being overtaken. Looks like they have a slow car and an inferiority complex so they don't like being overtaken
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YY66 EXM 2018-10-31 20:20:17

This overtake on a country road is unacceptable. Causing a rider to fall from their horse in unforgivable.
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YY66 EXM 2018-10-31 21:15:33

The overtake wouldn't have been such a problem had the camera car not accelerated to try to stop being overtaken...

And we only have hearsay as to a rider falling from the horse...I reserve judgement as to if it actually happened until I see the evidence - this video shows no horses on the stretch, just someone being overtaken and trying to stop being overtaken, then driving into the back of someone.
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YY66 EXM 2018-10-31 15:56:48

Revolting old slag.
She needs a fucking good slap in the face.
Skank cunt.
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YY66 EXM 2018-10-31 11:13:18

It's the rider that fell off the horse that I feel sorry for. Hopefully this vile woman will be in prison soon.
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YY66 EXM 2018-11-01 06:21:31

Also - both cars look reckless - the Audi wouldn't have driven the way she did if the camera car hadn't of sped up to attempt to prevent being overtaken.
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YY66 EXM 2018-11-01 06:20:26

That's my point....."if the rider did fall"

We are only being told this, but there is no evidence of it at all - people on the internet make stuff up to try to further enhance their argument - without proof that's to me what this looks like.

Innocent until proven guilty...
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YY66 EXM 2018-10-31 18:56:10

What exactly did the Audi driver "win" other than looking like a reckless idiot that doesn't deserve to be on the road?

If a rider did fall due to this homicidal moron then they deserve to do time.
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YY66 EXM 2018-10-31 13:13:10

But what horses?? Why is that not posted in a video on here, obviously the encounter was, so I would assume that the camera would have been rolling at this incident - the whole story stinks of a complete and utter lie.

We have 6 seconds from the start of the video before the Audi overtakes, how would the poster know that had happened to the horses if they are in front by 6 cars as stated???

And the reason she stopped was because the road was narrow and let the other cars pass - yes the speed was excessive, but I suspect that was because the poster sped up to try to stop being overtaken, and the faster car won - then the poster got annoyed that their plan didn't work and has fabricated a story and posted it on here..

That's what I see..
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YY66 EXM 2018-10-29 16:24:29

What a ugly old hag.
She needs plenty of botox, a good scrub with cilitbang, loose some weight and a bloody good hair cut.
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YY66 EXM 2018-11-22 12:57:12

"sure she might be a bad road user, but im sure youre not an oil painting either so no need to resort to childish insults and bring her appearance into it like a bitchy teenager"
You need to get yourself a life you sad old wankstain. You wife is a well known crack addict and you a a pikey cunt.
As for your feral kids - fucking dog rough family.
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YY66 EXM 2018-11-14 04:10:41

sure she might be a bad road user, but im sure youre not an oil painting either so no need to resort to childish insults and bring her appearance into it like a bitchy teenager
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YY66 EXM 2018-10-29 16:21:00

She is a well known substance abuser and fly tipping jipo scumbag.
Rancid old cunt.
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YY66 EXM 2018-10-28 00:00:05

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YY66 EXM 2018-10-24 11:47:53

So are the good people on here defending the woman's driving? Audio with the video would be useful however her driving looks reckless to me and worthy of a custodial sentence if they have indeed caused injury to a horse and it's rider in my opinion.
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YY66 EXM 2018-11-01 13:03:43

Are you defending the driver on the car with the camera in, who accelerated up to an illegal speed whilst being overtaken?
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YY66 EXM 2018-10-25 09:57:05

I'm not sure how anyone can defend her driving, she seems suicidal.
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YY66 EXM 2018-10-24 00:03:08

Heavily edited video with no sound and doesn't back up accusations. Plus cam driver clearly being aggressive.

What a load of bollocks.
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YY66 EXM 2018-11-22 12:57:58

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YY66 EXM 2018-10-23 19:48:06

Why does this need to be reported to the police, can't someone just send them a link to the video so they can prosecute for injuring the rider of the horse?
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YY66 EXM 2018-10-24 09:50:54

Presumably the police would need a witness statement which includes the date and time so they can arrest the lady for the injuries caused to the person that fell riding the horse.
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YY66 EXM 2018-10-23 18:43:47

Shouldn't be driving that fast including the person filming. As mentioned two wrong's do not make a right.
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YY66 EXM 2018-10-23 17:53:05

None of the stuff you talk about is on film, sound has been cut, you are breaking the law yourself to catch her... 2 wrongs dont make a right. You also back off when she started filming. bit fishy.
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YY66 EXM 2018-11-01 13:01:01

Well when you have a site mainly visited by halfwits and inbreds you cant expect much better.

Half the time, such as in this instance, the person posting the video is the one in the wrong too!
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YY66 EXM 2018-10-30 20:15:53

That's because this site is really going down hill - so many false accusations - it's gone from being factual to people hiding behind a keyboard, making stuff up and bullying.
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YY66 EXM 2018-10-23 23:00:57

Amazes me that on this site rational comments get down voted but people calling her names with very little supporting evidence gets upvoted
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YY66 EXM 2018-10-23 17:22:45

This is one of those where there looks more to it than the poster is owning up to - the posters driving shit ... What the fuck does "Speed up to stop her mean"
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YY66 EXM 2018-10-31 08:37:19

Have you seen the posters other video,

I suspect that they are one of those annoying drivers that find it funny to drive at 20-30mph everywhere, infuriate other road users, and then get annoyed when they are overtaken, and even accelerate to try to sop people overtaking - the poster is the real idiot here!

A typical road warrior who thinks that they own the road.
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YY66 EXM 2018-10-23 15:48:21

Please could you report this to the police as one of the riders has very serious injuries and the horse had to be destroyed.
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YY66 EXM 2018-10-23 12:01:00

Spotted this ugly cunt in her Audi driving like a bitch on heat. Maybe she is on heat? who knows. all I know is that she can't drive for shit and has a face like a french bulldog.
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YY66 EXM 2018-10-23 11:00:21

Yet another Arse hole AUDI woman on narrow 40mph country lane traveling at breakneck speed overtaking 6+ cars AND two horses on the verge that we had all slowed to pass, as she past at an estimated 80mph one of the horses threw its rider, I accelerated to try and stop her at the junction but as you can see at her speed I had no chance, then over the junction she had the audacity to break almost making me hit her then get out and give me a tirade of abuse, apparently I was just jealous because I could never afford a sports car like her!!!
Well if being an absolute C*CK is what you become when you have one you can keep them! Anyway, the Mk3 TT shares the VW MQV platform so she's basically driving a Volkswagen!lol

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YY66 EXM 2018-11-27 08:55:01

So are you in your Skoda pal... ;-)
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YY66 EXM 2018-11-12 13:01:26

Cameraman goes past the limit though.
Take a look at first seconds where he goes 50-60 mph.
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YY66 EXM 2018-11-06 01:16:59

The poster of the video was also travelling down the 40mph country road at breakneck speed, tailgating the Audi driver and basically being just as much of an idiot as they're claiming the Audi driver is. There's no evidence here of anything you're saying other than both cars breaking the speed limit, the camera car not adhering to the highway code and allowing an overtaking vehicle to pass by backing off the accelerator; instead accelerating, and the camera car being stupid by tailgating the driver and subsequently rear ending her. They must think we're stupid.
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YY66 EXM 2018-11-01 12:58:31

Thank you for the VW platform knowledge, that was very interesting. You must be fun at parties with statements like that. Its not exactly clever to think less of someone because they have A VW based car.

Everything else aside, if you put your foot down when someone is overtaking, and go from a dawdling 45, up to an illegal 73 mph you are a incompetent and dangerous driver. And you can hardly complain about them passing you at 80+mph, moron. And then to try and intimidate them by sitting on their bumper! Your not really in a position to comment on the driver of the Audi at all.
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YY66 EXM 2018-10-30 16:53:23

And what horses? Where is the video of that - conveniently not uploaded because it probably didn't happen, and just the camera car fabricating a story as they are pissed at being overtaken, and made to look like a fool.
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YY66 EXM 2018-10-30 16:49:06

Plus the camera car rear ends the Audi at about 27 seconds in lol

And can't exactly use the "Oh she cut me up" as both stopped for the crossing and moved on, just the camera car a little too aggressively for the situation.
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YY66 EXM 2018-10-30 14:05:54

And for reference - this is a pretty straight road, if the camera car hadn't have done the illegal thing and accelerated, not an issue - camera car tried to cause an accident.,-0.5408818,3a,75y,169.32h,79.36t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1szM4aNGy0XtDNJXKtsOS_Vw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
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YY66 EXM 2018-10-30 14:03:38

Love the way the camera car speeds up when realized that they were being overtaken - what a stupid and dangerous thing to do!!

Steady 50MPH, then overtaken and ooh look, hits 70+ -

obviously didn't like being overtaken by a faster car that they couldn't afford.

As with most of these video clips, there's more than the we are being told that's going on...

And the OP states that it's a 40MPH country lane, and yet they hit 73MPH....
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YY66 EXM 2018-10-28 17:01:52

You claim you were trying to stop her , she stopped and you shit yourself .

Mind you putting a load of lies on the internet about her and then spending ages researching her car doesn't make it look like your butt hurt does it ? . Doubt shes bothered about your post because oonly one of you came out looking a cunt and it isn't her
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YY66 EXM 2018-10-28 00:36:09

All the video shows is a cockless snowflake chasing an apparantly innocent woman along a country lane and getting it handed to them by a housewife.

What kind of mong would upload their own video of themselves looking like a cunt?

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YY66 EXM 2018-10-23 16:39:45

So where is the footage of the overtaking etc? Didn't happen quite as described?
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