AV23 CBY 2024-03-08 20:30:59

Little twat in a HGV who tried to bully a car but lost, and then had a tantrum. Get a life you moronic fool and stop driving like a spastic before you kill someone, You stupid prick!
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AU15 COH 2024-03-07 11:17:24

Prick bmw driver must get in front. You twat, theres empty lanes but you have to stay in the outside lane and stop anyone overtaking. You drive a bmw ffs. 🤣
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AF61 UAB 2024-03-05 21:36:49

This nonce cut me up and has RUDE stickers on his bumper, one of a minion giving me the finger. HOW DARE he ruine minions, but really his driving is piss poor and ran pass red lights.
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AK06 UST 2024-02-26 22:53:40

Somone parked an old, bangernomics car in a disabled parking bay in a haphazard manner.
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AD19 TCO 2024-03-02 21:15:22

At the risk of the obvious joke about BMWs not indicating, do you actually have any indicators?
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AY04 RYL 2024-02-24 15:34:28

Absolute tool. Why? Your name isn’t OARYL
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AF73 SUV 2024-02-21 23:48:33

BMW twat 🤣
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AA21 ONW 2024-02-21 17:51:22

Shit illegal plate and shit parking
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A1 VWH 2024-02-21 15:05:10

The most chav and gayest looking car i’ve ever seen , undertaking and not allowing anyone to pass in the outside lane. You obviously have insecurity issues by the car and chav plate, but ffs learn to drive. Even your passenger looked embarrassed to be in that thing. What a chav.
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AR61 EGG 2024-02-27 15:25:47

I think you would've been better leaving the plate with EGG at the end, stinky twat.

As it is "ARGIE" LOL what a chav.


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