AD54 BHZ 2024-01-22 20:30:30

A bit closer if you could eh? BELLEND!!!
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AV13 GVP 2024-01-22 23:11:35

What a complete selfish idiot parking like this. I hate you.
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AT62 BEV 2024-01-22 23:18:53

Oi Bev, you nutty slag. Park fucking better
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AY20 AFO 2024-01-22 19:34:09

Can’t park there mate!
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AO72 YFK 2024-01-29 19:24:13

great driver
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AF16 SJX 2024-01-29 18:32:45

Stranger character in a Land Rover creeping in the early hours. Looks like he wants to go dogging.
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A19 FBM 2024-01-21 21:47:16

Typically selfish behavior of a Land Rover owner
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AY19 VRU 2024-01-21 21:46:16

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AD06 WKC 2024-01-28 15:52:01

Sat at a set of pedestrian traffic lights texting away oblivious to everybody looking at him that the lights are turned green and he was still sat there
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AA07 JHS 2024-01-18 15:53:32

Stupid selfish EV owner
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