AF52 HMX 2024-01-26 00:03:55

Might need to get your shitbox looked at as it’s blowing loads of black smoke you stupid twat, lowered it aswell, looks as shit as the roof box on it
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AE55 XKG 2024-01-25 08:07:41

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AV51 CAV 2024-01-24 15:37:14

Peugeot 3008 with illegally spaced reg plate.


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AK60 MUO 2024-01-17 02:41:21

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AY63 KAK 2024-01-16 00:55:32

Absolutely Shit parking Mr UPS!
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AK13 HTU 2024-01-13 16:34:07

Typical BMW driver - they are behind me whilst I am indicating to join dual carriageway and they decide to join same time as I am starting to proceed in the available gap. So now no room for me to get on before next vehicle comes along having to brake hard as running out of lane instead of increasing my speed to match traffic already on - why not just wait your turn like everyone else??
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A8 OHB 2024-01-20 12:39:08

Merc wanker in an average speed zone. Another Muppet doing 10 under the limit for no reason.
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AY54 CPX 2024-01-12 13:41:46

Can’t park at Asda
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AP11 HBF 2024-01-11 19:56:27

Shit spoiler = shit driver. Cut me off and went into McDonald's. What a place to be in a hurry for.
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AD55 JYX 2024-01-18 19:31:15

Some fucking dickhead giving his underage misses driving lessons,with no plates .
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