AP04 FWT 2017-03-24 12:02:07

Chinese peoporu rearry can't dwive
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AJ07 HPX 2017-03-16 08:03:14

Some car drivers don't understand that bikes are allowed to filter. One of the main benefits of riding a bike is the ability to filter through traffic jams but some drivers just can't handle it and get furious when they see a bike passing them.
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AK16 XPB 2017-03-23 06:29:58

Speeding again. No indication again.
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AO60 VHM 2017-03-10 00:36:36

Full original footage
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AU11 ERT 2017-03-18 14:47:39

Thanks, the sex change really paid off.
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AO60 VHM 2017-03-10 08:06:00

What I don't understand is why, if someone's threatened your life like that, you would proceed to follow them.

Surely the best action to take would be to pull over for 5 minutes, let the idiot continue on his journey and then set off again?
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AJ07 HPX 2017-03-15 20:34:57

I started a petition last year to make mobikes illegal. It has one signature all ready so sign it and the mobike riders will be sorry when there mobikes are crushed
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AJ07 HPX 2017-03-15 16:30:56

The fact that you are on a motorcyle makes you invalid and ultimately, irrelevant both to the rate-driver community and indeed, life itself.
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AO60 VHM 2017-03-10 16:31:02

So nobody else is going to comment on the twatcycle rider overtaking at each pedestrian crossing's zigzag lines? Why do bikers all need to be first? Dicks.
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AJ07 HPX 2017-03-10 12:28:37

Not entirely blameless are you? Ghost islands (hatch markings) are there for a reason. Ask any traffic cop and they will tell you that you are supposed to treat them like a physical barrier.
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