AU14 UXY 2016-02-15 18:38:34

They just don't get it yet do they? So many of us now have dash cams and they will finish up on here and maybe the cops will take an interest, lets hope its not because someone got injured though.
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AV05 JDZ 2016-02-11 01:19:18

The road design is stupid.. it encourages such situations.
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AU63 HSX 2016-02-09 13:55:03

"was going to advise speed limit to be told I pulled out in front of him & to be blamed." Eh? Hope your driving is better than your grammar and punctuation. Haven't a clue what you are on about.
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AU63 HSX 2016-02-09 13:20:47

He was allegedly speeding.. thought someone pulled out on him.. so decided to take 'revenge' by driving up their arse? If this is true then AU63 HSX YOU are the arse here!!!
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AJ12 TWW 2016-02-08 08:12:50

May be some unmarkewd police cars are required to have a crack down near the DPD depot. I contacted a DPD manager at peterborough to have a chat about their drivers and he was not bothered.
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AJ12 TWW 2016-02-08 08:11:28

Probably works for DPD then. There drivers are known for their bad driving as can be seen on Youtube.
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AO61 WGA 2016-02-07 15:27:37

Some hairy cunt, looked like a homeless person stole the whip, kept weaving in and out of lanes a wheel spinning like an absolute nonse
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AO61 WGA 2016-02-07 15:23:31

Drive like a complete twat undertaking/ overtaking. Nearly fucked my daughter in the arse he was that close it my bumper
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AF14 OOU 2016-02-06 13:32:30

That looks like one dangerous stretch of road.. really wouldn't want to be there unless I had to. Stay safe guys, thanks for sharing what the clown did, they must be totally insane..
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AF14 OOU 2016-02-06 10:47:22

This video should go to the police. What a cockweasel!
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