The absolutely tool came hurtling down the A47 Soke Parkway far in excess of the speed limit! You didn't get anywhere so don't endanger other road users by speeding so recklessly for nothing!
Absolute disgraceful driving. Looks like a replica biggie smalls.
Cut me off on the slip road to wigan exit, will be reporting this to authorities and his father. Couldn't even leave me in my A3. #ShitDriver #Fatty #Brexit
I wasn’t going to post this but I thought I better warn other parents about the owner of this car today at 12 noon at Yeadon Morrison’s I was waiting to pull into a parent and toddler space and someone nipped in front of me i was just about to say something and a space come available next but one so I just pulled in there and that was going to be that. until I realised the guy who pulled in the other one didn’t have a child with him I questioned him and he said what was anyone going to do and started to get in my face I was holding my baby in my arms at this point so called him an ar&£hole and proceeded to walk away he swore at me so I turned and made it clear that he should not be parking there end of and his attitude stunk and should be ashamed he then leant back to punch me and I feel he would have done without another guy stepping in and saying I had a baby in my hands and was he mental, I walked away at that Point again and he walked past me again as we got In store and said there is f@&k all you can do about it smiling and said I will park were I want, I reported this in store and I hope no one has to come across this horrid excuse of a man who threatens to punch someone with a baby in there hands !!!
stupid woman doesn't know you can't drive over solid white lines and chevrons to join a carriageway or to drive in a bus lane. A580.