Woman with dark hair driving carelessly past local school and playground holding what looked like a goldish iPhone chatting away whilst driving in a busy area.
Unbelievably careless driving in the North Manchester area.
Doesn’t like stopping at pedestrian crossings. Laughed at an older person slowly crossing whilst he continued to edge towards them and caused visible fear in her. Hope this prick doesn’t live to be old enough that he needs extra time to cross the road.
08:00 on 02/05/29
TRANSIT 115 T300L FWD 2009
Panel Van
Fleet Street Lane after Angels Bar towards Longridge
Taking bends too carelessly. Almost went into me by cutting at least half of my lane off. Had to brake sharp.
The self entitled pr*ck bloke who drives this car thinks it’s ok to slam his door into your car & then (& only because I came back to my car as he did it to witness it) when you confront him about swapping details to cover the damage to my car. He thinks it’s ok to tell you to ‘get a f***ing grip & chill my t**s’ as he proceeds to walk away telling me the massive dint in my car door is ‘fine’. Photos taken & police contacted who rightfully reprimanded this chauvinist c*** & visited him to explain the law on what they class as a RTC & how not to abuse people who simple as for insurance details. I hope his premiums rocket.
He decided that the best thing to do as i was overtaking him, was speed up, get in front of me, then Brake check me.
He smirked as i passed him, typical Audi driver.