Incompetent driver who sideswipes others! Should have his licence taken away! Doesn't respond to any communication from insurers - causes nothing but trouble/inconvenience and costs to the poor person he hits! Ensure you get photos of driver and full details and be prepared for the ignorant man to ignore you!
This twat just tore down our 30 mph speed limit residential road, doing at least 60 mph and still accelerating ... right past a children's playground, a school, a park and sheltered housing bungalows for the elderly. He somehow managed to make it round the bend at the bottom without killing himself. Ah, well - I'm sure it's only a matter of time.
This person reversed out of space in the high street of oundle and almost hit a cyclist then continued to reverse closer to my car, I beeped my horn and they stopped then they reversed more and hit me and drove off! Luckily no damage to my car, but there is to theirs, serves them right I guess.
Tried to run me of the road you bellend just because you drive up my ass means j can't over take
I got you on film �