Arrogant little cockend who hopefully ends up wrapped around a tree in his PCP/leased Passat. Excessive speeding and overtaking traffic on chevrons. Utter wanker.
This pri*k clearly dosnt know how to drive, nealy pulled out infront of me on a round about, he obviously hasnt heard of the rule about giving way the the right, then he continued to tail gate then pulles out infront of somone else and nealy causes and accident, then proceeds to tailgate other road users, the bald cun* needs his licence remove before he kills somone
Absolute retard of a driver, tried to ram me off the road with his wife in the car. He can be described as a typical scummy Eastern European driving a shit A6 but thinks he’s driving a Ferrari or so
What is up with the big gay wing ?
Guy needs to learn to drift and stop cutting hair 💪