Derby Lane, Liverpool at approx. 09.10 on Sunday 03/05/15. Range Rover Sport. Driver is a complete and utter idiotic tw@t. Overtook on wrong side of suburban Overtook on wrong side of road at high speed approaching a difficult S Bend. No regard for other traffic OR pedestrians and the once past the bend accelerated to over twice the legal 30 mph speed limit only to be held up at traffic lights at the major East Prescot road St. Oswalds st. Junction... Classification= TWAT
AJ53 GDPblindly pulls out in front of cyclist2015-02-28 14:41:36
this is the 2nd incident from the same video. this time ignore the taxi and watch the white vehicle pull out in front of me. i have full hi-vis on and you can see my lights flashing.
This is the sort of cunt who knows their van has a dodgy alarm and so parks it outside a neighbour’s house at the other end of the street so they don’t hear it ALL FUCKING NIGHT!
What a great driver avoided a major accident on the m25 , followed for a further 30 miles and showed great lane dicipline and forward vision