Blue Ford Focus owners/idiots go shopping in Swindon while keeping Husky dog locked in car, police have to rescue it. Parking ticket shows them arriving at 10:47am. Dog found by police in a poor state at 12:35pm with the parking ticket showing they could park until 1:46pm!! Owners arrived back at the car and proceeded to shout and swear that they didn’t see what the problem was. Owners refused to take the dog to the vets to be checked despite being visibly distressed from being in the car so long. Owners refused to pass their details to the police and eventually gave false information.
Dog seized so it could be checked by a vet. They should be prosecuted for animal neglect, fined and get points on the license.
this twat tailgated us all the way from Aspe heath to Newport on the Isle of wight, travelling at 50 to 60mphmph and he's up our tail pipe with literally less than inches to spare. absolute nut job.
Looks like a hipster wanabe, bet he touches kids too, probably not illegal as he looks like one