His tires must be balder than his nans head because he just slips all over the road, thinks hes cool with his tinted windows, nah I'll put the cunts through
People like this driver are the reason I've been put off cycling. You can talk all you want about wearing suitable attire; having sufficient lighting; taking the best position. It means absolutely nothing when you've got people like this up your ass. Where I live there's a lot of junctions and it's nigh-on impossible to turn right into them on account of the sheer number of people driving like pricks. They seem to think you have no right to use to road and must be forced into the gutter at all costs. If you want to turn right pull into the gutter and wait and let me pass because I am more important than you. If you're turning right, you have to get in position well in advance of the junction because it is just do dangerous. They don't give you room and they don't treat you as equals. They are the scourge of our infrastructure and it's time to drain the swamp..
Show the footage to the local cops, they won't do much but will keep him on record for when he causes an accident.