Dear Drivers, Be area of the above Index Number. A Blue Criton Van with logo on the back "My" This is a white male and he is an absolute wanker and will fight. Driver extremely like a dickhead and things he owns the road
This Tesco delivery van was blocking the emergency exit and the barrier for more than 10 minutes this morning and it is happening more often. The driver thinks he is cool, he didn't say sorry and he drove into the resident park area to turn around after I have opened the barrier to myself. Rude and unacceptable behaviour. If an ambulance car arrives, they can't park at the door front of the barrier because the Tesco driver does not care about others. The residents have the right to keep their car park exit clear. The van will be reported to the Police.
F***ing wa**er overtook me doing 70 in a 30 drifted round the roundabout with smoke coming all out of his exhaust and nearly went into the back of somone then went up the wrong side of the road at a junction r
Brake-checking should be rewarded with a long ban, a fine and, if it causes injury, JAIL! Get these turds off the roads...