BK22 NBG 2022-08-26 15:49:51

If your going to rinse your credit on the biggest chaviest car you can afford to trick everyone into thinking your not a massive scrubber then maybe don't drive it like a complete bellend, it's a dead giveaway.
Might wanna start saving up for some bulbs in those indicators as well princess.
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BK62 TCJ 2022-08-03 07:51:08

If you met this person in the pub or elsewhere, they would be adamant that they are a good driver.
Would a good driver do this!
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BK11 KAO 2022-07-23 13:06:09

Unable to get into my vehicle due to the position of the Fiesta. Wouldn't be suprised if Stevie Wonder was the driver. How this parking is acceptable I don't know.
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BK21 EUO 2022-07-15 11:00:53

I saw this van today, FULLY Labeled up as a delivery van, and the drive must of thought he was Thomas the bloody tank engine!! With how much smoke he or the van was chucking out! Not only this but he must of blown the bloody doors off as he was driving with them strapped together! This driver needed to either take a nap or return back to his work to come off the van !

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BK08 HRR 2022-07-09 17:14:02

You make sure you get that protein in son! Nothing gets in between a man and his gainzzz!!
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BK70 BSY 2022-06-29 16:51:07

You'd think the rac would know better wouldn't you? Professional drivers and all that. This tool was driving at 10-15 under the limit, for miles, right up until a lorry tried legally overtaking him on a stretch with two lanes, then he decides it's time to speed up, forcing the lorry to brake and get back behind him. And guess what he does when it's back to singke lanes? Drops it back to 10-15 under the limit.

Ignorant, oblivious or just a cunt? Either way completely in the wrong.
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BK21 WRR 2022-06-18 23:00:50

Fucking cocksucker of a BMW driver as per usual. Suck on my shit you bitch ass.
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BK65 HMJ 2022-05-31 17:39:32

Stolen from pure gym, Dudley Port, Tipton.

HOW MANY MORE TIMES does this have to happen when people visit your premises? Push-bikes stolen..cars stolen.. and all the rest. It's like it never ends.

Please keep an eye out and report to police if spotted. Thank you,
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BK10 MYJ 2022-05-30 11:46:48

Scumbag who tried to run a motorcyclist off the road. Was also being driven on the 14th May 2022 without road tax.
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BK56 NGF 2022-05-26 23:20:20

Fuel type
Date registered
29 September 2006
MOT valid until
4 November 2022

Idiot driving this pile of **** like a sports car. Dangerous and irresponsible. Later, runs a red light.
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