BK12 BXN 2020-10-28 08:40:25

The driver of this vehicle harassed a women outside a cafe in Morden, South London and threatened to find her later, she was able to get a picture of the number plate from the bus. Please be aware if you see him, we're keeping an eye out for him in the area now.
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BK18 LLU 2020-10-10 15:24:09

Bought a BMW they can't control in the rain. Slow down you fucking cunt
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BK59 TXF 2020-10-01 19:27:10

Little slag texts and drives
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BK08 KHE 2020-09-20 04:31:15

Stolen any catalytic converters lately? How about ASDA, in Tipon? How about stealing said from a DISABLED person's car like a complete piece of shit lowlife CUNT? How about you and your OTHER two white mate but side-kicks being spotted? THAT's the word on the street..eyes are watching. Perhaps you'd care to comment?

p.s. Anyone thinking they're tough with an angle grinder? Watch out. This is Tipton and we are sick to the back teeth of scum - you have been WARNED. Robbing cunts.
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BK06 FVV 2020-09-10 17:33:59

smart driver not so smart swerving over into a right lane without signal or chekcing mirror. if not careful could cause a serious accident.
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BK05 OZP 2020-09-06 16:43:45

Dangerous tailgating driver! Why follow so close? If a cat run out in front of us you can say goodbye to your no claims bonus.
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BK17 UPT 2020-08-31 18:09:45

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BK68 DGO 2020-09-04 22:42:54

Hot passenger. Can tell you're a dirty one. Hope to see you again! Sincerely, i10
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BK62 FSG 2020-08-13 01:46:24

Dangerous and bullying behaviour

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BK68 LTO 2020-08-11 16:25:24

He can't stay in lane on a large lazy roundabout then tailgates a learner driver.
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