BL08 OJO 2023-11-19 22:22:25

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BL23 GWF 2023-11-05 16:34:08

Maybe pay attention to the location of your car when parking it and not block my drive?
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BL06 WYZ 2023-11-04 01:58:39

"Invites the Audi driver to come past".

I disagree. The responsibility is on the driver to over-take only where safe, and practical; this irrespective of any or no over-taking "invite" on the part of the cyclist they in front of them.

I also disagree with the claim the cyclist was just trying to create footage for the sake of it. They could have been telling the driver they were being filmed simply as a defence mechanism. Most people in the cyclist's position will be acting under duress, which is understandable given the circumstance. At the same time, I would NEVER do what the cyclist did here in so far as continue - I would advise anyone to keep well away from drivers (or cyclists) with the same attitude as the driver shown here; do not engage unless you have to. They are simply not worth it. Let the camera do the talking. It's not worth it.

"Shouting out the reg did nothing to antagonise". I disagree with this statement also. The cyclist may simply be relaying the registration in the event the camera for whatever reason doesn't pick it up. Many drivers with dash-cams do the same. Even if this were done to "antagonise" the driver, that's the driver's problem: you're in public, with no expectation of privacy. The cyclist is also speaking to himself at the material time. If the driver or anyone for that matter can't deal with that then that really is their problem as far as I'm concerned.

All in all the driver shown here is in my opinion, being a dangerous imbecile; one who will, unless they improve their attitude, end up killing someone. The cyclist was to a large extent also acting mostly under duress, in my opinion. I am not anti-cyclist or anti-driver, either.
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BL08 YBC 2023-11-08 07:37:13

A406 . Undertaking and generally driving like a prick,in a shitty motor
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BL66 XOH 2023-10-13 21:47:57

busy services on a weekend.
pulls up into 2 spots
lets all guess why.

(yes, old tax disk holder residue on lower left on my windscreen)
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BL68 WFP 2023-10-06 19:49:14

Idiot who risks other people's lives to gain a place in a queue. Also must have driven through dog poo because it stank so bad we had to wind our windows up. Or maybe his own bad driving caused him to crap himself?
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BL15 UCJ 2023-09-04 23:10:42

Crashed into someones fence.

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BL06 ASX 2023-09-05 15:09:58

Just because you indicate, doesn’t mean you have the right to go. One of these days, you’ll meet a driver who won’t let you in when you decide you’re better than everybody else and deserve to be in front. Also, not sure I’d want to cut up people and then have them behind me for an extended amount of time.

Just please, stop being an impatient little shit who doesn’t realise all the traffic in the left lane is held up by people having to stop on a roundabout from people like you cutting them up.
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BL71 SUS 2023-09-02 15:42:29

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BL13 DWG 2023-08-17 19:34:18

Silly fat fat fat fat cunt. Cunt.
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