If your gonna rinse your credit on a massive chavette edition Merc to trick everyone into thinking your not a mong then maybe don't drive it like a gimp. Veering from lane to lane with your eyes in your lap fiddling with your phone isn't going to end well is it princess.
This guy was racing on the motorway with one hand on the steering wheel with the seat all the way back. Very dangerous driver. Typical paki from alum rock no consideration for other road users.
annoying wanker keeps on trying to control my life. Keeps telling me shit advice like he is mr big cock. Like shut the fuck up cunt bag. I have my own life
this guy doesn't look like he a license. Eastern European driver. Swerving and trying to drive vehicles off the road. Saw him do this to 3 other cars before swerving in front of us. Maybe he's drunk or on drugs but shouldn't be on the road.