BN59 KZC 2022-05-31 14:17:28

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BN09 TYS 2022-05-28 15:02:00

Beware. Dangerous low skill driver

Sat at the green lights on Northern Perimeter, not moving. Began slowly moving as traffic passed us, then began stamping on brakes. I used the now empty other straight ahead lane to circumvent this dangerous driver.

Suddenly, he found the accelerator, and used the hashed area and lane going the other way to try and force his way in. Lights on full, gesticulating like he was having a seizure.

I pulled away and safely left him behind. In my rear view I saw he had stopped in the road again and was opening his door. Three cars scattered under braking to avoid this insanity.

A mile later he's trying to ram me, on the hashes and from the opposite lane again. When this fails he dives in front and begins brake tests again. I nip around him as he struggles, like we are taught and go about my day.

Later in Earl Shilton he drives by, and because of people about does nothing. Another moron, not aware they are driving a deadly weapon, going apoplectic because his awful way of driving, is the only, and he thinks he is the Police.

Wife in his car having a breakdown. He showed no concern for her.

Dangerous, even in this little Corsa. Beware.

Dashcam of dangerous driving submitted to Leics Police.
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BN15 XCG 2022-05-23 16:34:06

St the junction of Squires Gate Lane and Common Edge Road, Blackpool, this truck kept going through a red light turning right about five seconds after it turned red and there was nothing coming the other way to delay him. There was up to another five seconds before traffic started moving the other way but with the lights on red before he got to the white line and then kept going he must know the junction and exploits it by going through red when he feels like it.
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BN20 UFB 2022-05-14 18:19:44

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BN22 BPZ 2022-05-10 19:27:53

Stupid idiot that loves to put other drivers in danger
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BN71 UHZ 2022-05-03 18:46:02

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BN62 GUE 2022-04-22 15:24:10

Cuts everyone up constantly, barely gives one second of indication. Misjudging distances and gaps, or likely just doesn't care. Fool gonna kill someone
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BN55 LCZ 2022-04-12 20:39:52

Two days in a row this one has parked in electric charging bay.
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BN02 AAY 2022-03-31 13:37:02

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BN16 WBS 2022-03-30 23:35:22

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