Omgg he is such a good driver dnt u dare take his lambo away.he saved so much money to buy it people stop writing hate ur jelous that hes got a lambo and u losers dnt all that is crap!!LOVE U DEJI IM UR BIGGEST FAN!!!
Stop all of the lying deji is the best driver. To me he is the
best in my mind and the world you are just jealous you don't have a LAMBORGHINI. All YOU NEED TO DO IS STOP WRITING HATE AND GO GET A GOB MAYBE YOU WILL GET A LAMBORGHINI IF YOU SAVE UP OK!!!!! LOVE YOU DEJI.
Me and my nan were crusing along when this absolute helmet cuts infront of us. So my nan then starts cursing and he gets out and my nan gets out and he drop kicks her and roundhouse kicks her to the curb, all Bruce lee like. Man like jackie chan
Please can the haters just make Deji happy for one he never done anything to you'd haters.Deji (csg) is a youtuber does not make any violence if he's got tunes of subscribers.
Omgg he is such a good driver dnt u dare take his lambo away.he saved so much money to buy it people stop writing hate ur jelous that hes got a lambo and u losers dnt all that is crap!!LOVE U DEJI IM UR BIGGEST FAN!!!