Took photo from a distance as parked on double yellows right by side road, obscuring view for drivers and pedestrians.
One of the ‘men’ took exception to the photo (public place, not illegal) and came storming across the road, getting in my face and shouting abuse. Called me a paedophile/nonce as apparently there were kids in the van (hence the blurred image even though I couldn’t see any and he obviously didn’t give a crap about the language he used in front of them)
Continued to threaten violence and said he’d call the police. I called the police first and reported him.
They are dodgy door to door salesmen for 1st Home Improvements Ltd of Bridgend. The same company fined two years ago for ripping off an old lady in Merthyr by misspelling their crappy products.
lorry wobbling from lane to lane, must be on hhis phone......