Posh prick parked on the pavement, on the corner of the road to drop his brat to school. He's obviously colourblind and lacking brain cells to not see the double yellows. Another school run wanker
Queueing traffic this idiot decides itβs a brilliant idea to undertake cars, pull in coming very close to sideswiping a car and not a single care is given. Unadulterated dangerous driving!
20mph under the speed limit and all over the road, HUGE queue behind us at rush hour, completely clear road ahead. Could not overtake due to speed/traffic on other side of road. Followed for 25 minutes of my usually 25 minute journey.
When joining the A46 from the A6 they start overtaking a car on the slip road and then jump straight to a 2nd lane where I was cutting me off and causing me to slow by 30mph. With me slamming on the brakes and horn they only then notice me and swerve to help avoid the accident. After which the driver puts their arm up like it's my fault.
Just pulled out direct in front of me in Blackpool , think he needs a smaller car idiot