Deliberately tailgating a vehicle who was overtaking doing the speed limit, we can clearly see this but deliberately speed up before slamming on their brakes just behind the bumper. Then proceed to undertake and speed at 60/70 through a 50. We then speed through a narrow country road encroaching on the other lane the corners and having to slam on because of a queue of traffic round a blind bend. Good thing there was because no doubt we would be doing 50/60mph through the 40 and onto the 30mph on the bridge.
I mean ragging it through a housing estate past several groups of kids playing at 35/40 tells us all we need to know.
Seen this purple/blue land rover driving erratically through Wexham and Slough on numerous occasions the last few weeks.
No front plate. Overtaking other vehicles then pushing into traffic. Shouting and hand gestures Tailgating and pressuring other drivers to speed up or pull over so the scum can get back to whatever Faeces he crawls under. Tax and MOT expired 6 months ago.
Glad you have such a large car you think it’s acceptable to tailgate and speed through a 20mph zone up the backside of the car in front. Good thing no one came onto the zebra crossing… you wouldn’t have stopped!
Self entitled just drive whichever way you like don’t bother with the road markings.